Collection: Meyer Brothers Collection

Author: Isaac Müller [?]

Recipient: Emanuel Meyer

Description: Letter from Isaac Müller [?] to Emanuel Meyer, 1857.

Isaac Müller [?] to Emanuel Meyer, 1857

English Text

Speyer 1857 Aby [?]
 My dear Mayer, It was with great pleasure that I heard from your dear mother that you were asking about how we were – which I have also done very often, because I think of you every day. Regarding how I am doing I can assure you in the best way. I hope that this is also the case with you. I am still [page 2:] at the business of the successor of my uncle Liebmann [? and will be until after June?], but am thinking of becoming a resident of Frankfurt soon. I haven’t yet foresworn seeing America. In closing I wish that things go well for you and that the Eternal One might bless you, because you truly deserve it as a good upright child of your parents. I remain your dear loving cousin [Isaac? ] Mueller