Collection: Eugen and Emma Klee Letters


Eugen Haas

Lisbeth Rasp (Haas)

Recipient: Eugen Klee

Description: Letter from Eugen and Lisbeth Haas (Rasp) to Eugen Klee, January 29, 1919.

Eugen and Lisbeth Haas to Eugen Klee, January 29, 1919

English Text

Knittelsheim, near Landau, January 29, 1919

My dear ones!

Finally after a long time, there is a chance to get a letter off to you, while all my attempts so far have been in vain. May this one reach you in a better state of health. May it carry my most sincere wishes for you , my dears, across the ocean. We have gone through a lot during the last few years. I was trusted with the administration of a community, and in the area of distributing food supplies and wartime social services there was more than enough for me to do. Now I am definitely a teacher in Knittelsheim, a wealthy county village near Landau. My Lisbeth and I have been married since October 1917. On October 10, 1918 we had a little girl, a wonderful child - Else Helene - the birth almost cost her mother's life and took 74 hours. Everything is fine with our friends, only Grandfather August Heck has passed away. He did not live to see Germany's misery. In the Palatinate we witness complete order and calm. Our occupiers are French. The people are very decent. Their office is in my house and we have two men billeted with us. One of them is going away on leave tomorrow. Don't you worry about us, we still have enough provisions and eventually better times are bound to come again;

[new page]

The consequence of the strenuous time was that my health went downhill again; But since I can now rest, things are fine again. My little girl and my Lisbeth are the sunshine of my life in these somber winter days. But after this harsh winter ordeal a beautiful springtime will laugh again in German lands. To you, my dears, my sincerest wishes and kisses, also to all friends, your grateful Eugen Haas

To you, my dears, most heartfelt wishes and kisses, and the same to all our acquaintances, your grateful Eugen Haas.

I, too, together with our little Helene, who is bawling vigorously at the moment and being held by Papa, am sending you sincere greetings.


Lisbeth Haas

1 postcard received via Interlaken Your address unknown

Original text