Collection: Weinhardt Family Letters

Author: Johann P. Weinhardt

Recipient: John V. Weinhardt

Description: Letter from Johann P. Weinhardt to his son, John V. Weinhardt, June 10, 1927.

Johann P. Weinhardt an John V. Weinhardt, 10. Juni 1927

English Text

Windsheim , 10 June 1927

My dear son,

Many thanks for your birthday wishes. I was very happy to see a photograph of you. I think you look very good. I hope you are hale and hearty, as thank God is the case with us. How are Uncle and Aunt? Give our best to both of them. A few days ago I received a letter from Max Ostermeier from Rotthalmünster. He sends his regards. He is now 70 years old. Last Sunday, the American pilot Chamberlin landed in Germany. His flight to Berlin roused much enthusiasm. I am enclosing some newspapers.

Philipp is working in Nürnberg. I send you greetings in his name. He will write to you himself soon.

Now in closing, accept very best wishes from your Father