Collection: Weinhardt Family Letters


Johann P. Weinhardt

Margarete Riebel (Weinhardt)

Recipient: John V. Weinhardt

Description: Letter from Johann P. and Margarete Weinhardt to their son, John V. Weinhardt, September 24, 1925.

Johann P. Weinhardt and Margarete Weinhardt to John V. Weinhardt, September 24, 1925

English Text

Windsheim, 24 Sept. 1925

My Dear Hans,

Got your letter. I am very glad to hear that you are well. It pleases me greatly that Uncle is satisfied with you. Uncle writes that he is not in good shape and that he looks forward to your joining him in the office. I think it would be for the best if you were to work for Uncle. You can then provide much support for him. It will also be a friendlier and more cordial working atmosphere. And you won’t have to struggle so hard physically. What have you done about obtaining American citizenship? It would be better if you take American citizenship. The photographs are very good. I almost did not recognize you in your work uniform.

There is not much news to share that would interest you. Regarding transport of the police dog, I have not yet made suitable inquiries, but I have been told that it would be best if dogs were to be accompanied by a passenger, emigrant, or American traveler. I can therefore not provide you with further information for the time being. Perhaps you can still remember such transports from your crossing.

Philipp’s birthday is 9/25. He will write to you himself. In the meantime he sends his best. Say hello to Uncle, Aunt, as well as all relatives and also to my fellow Schwabachers. But especially, I send you my heartfelt best wishes. Your father

Hans Weinhardt

...Send nothing for Christmas. Save your money so that you can have an emergency fund. We are all healthy, which we also wish for you. Do not forget your loving God, and he will take care of you.

My dear good Hans,

Received your dear letter with much joy, especially your pictures which we look at often. You look like a real American, but I notice that you are not longer so fat. Dear Hans, do not send any more money. We were very happy that you were able to care for your sister’s grave, but I think you should take care of yourself, because you work hard and need your strength. So in the meantime buy something for yourself. It pains me so much that you have to work so hard. Is Aunt good to you, and are you getting enough to eat? Dear Hans, send nothing for Christmas. Save your money for yourself. Maybe things will improve next year. You will get a Christmas package from us. If there is any special wish you have, let us know in your next letter. Dear Hans, you told us Uncle Heiner wrote to us and asked for Uncle’s address. First of all, this is a lie, and where he got the address is not clear to us. We think maybe from ________. He is angry with us because we gave him a hard time. Hans, follow my advice and do not write to Munich anymore, also not to Kilians, because they blabber about everything to everyone. Uncle should not bother himself with this letter. They are just envious. As I write this letter today, Sunday, Marie is in Schwabach for the parish fair. Do they have parish fairs in America? Also I went to Hanna’s grave today. It is very beautiful. We planted anew. As it has been getting cold here already and some flowers have frozen, it means we are going to get a cold Winter. We don’t have much fruit, except for a lot of plums. We are not getting much fruit from our garden, except for grapes and we had considerable cherries. Sold them for maybe 50 M. Marie wants to buy underwear now that she has earned some money. Your loving Mother sends you all her best. Good night. It is now 8:30, Sleep well.

Be well and auf Wiedersehen. Say hello to Uncle and Aunt. I think of you often.