Collection: Weinhardt Family Letters

Author: Philipp Weinhardt

Recipient: John V. Weinhardt

Description: Letter from Philipp Weinhardt to his brother, John V. Weinhardt, August 20, 1925.

Philipp Weinhardt an John V. Weinhardt, 20. August 1925

English Text

Windsheim, 20 August 1925

Dear Hans,

First of all I want to wish you all good things for your 18th birthday. I hope you received my birthday present, "Wieland der Schmied" by Rudolph Herzhog. I think it is the finest German novel of our time. Don’t read it just once, but two or three times, leaving time between readings. Everyone is fine here. We received your money and we decorated Hanna’s grave with flowers on her birthday. Next spring, Father will arrange for a headstone for the grave that will be for the whole family.

I was in Schwabach in early August for the exhibition. It was very nice. The Windsheim parish fair was yesterday and today as well as the Windsheim regional fair. I had hope to see Schleh Heiner at the parish fair, but he would rather have been at the swimming festival than the parish fair.

At the moment I am working in the technical office. I would like to stay there for the winter, but next spring I would like to go back to the shop, if Schmotzer allows it. But he is very profit oriented, as he uses interns to take the place of engineers. He is currently building a cast iron foundry, and will soon build a wainwright shop. That is advantageous for us.

Tell me about your work the next time you write. Right now I am studying a self-learning course in technology and am reading a book about radio. I would like to build one before Christmas. I have already selected a place for the antenna: from the roof of the woodshed all the way back to the cherry tree, about 40 meters.

Enough for now. Enjoy your birthday. All the best - your brother

Recieved your letter of Aug 9. I noticed that you are already driving. I wonder if you need a driver’s license over there. I am also no longer unfamiliar with the subject of automobiles. I am not yet as dangerous as you, since the regulations here are very strict.