Collection: Weinhardt Family Letters


Johann P. Weinhardt

Margarete Riebel (Weinhardt)

Recipient: John V. Weinhardt

Description: Letter from Johann P. and Margarete Weinhardt to their son, John V. Weinhardt, April 7, 1925.

Johann P. Weinhardt and Margarete Weinhardt to John V. Weinhardt, April 7, 1925

English Text

Windsheim, April 7 1925

Dear Hans,

I assume you have received our two letters. We have been waiting a long time for news from you. Hope you are doing well. Things are going as usual for us, just as they were when you left. Hanna is still bedridden. During the day she lays outside in the garden if the weather is good. It seems that the sun is good for her. We are hoping for the best.

What are you doing to keep busy? Do you still have some things to do? In a few days I will send you some newspapers, and then every week. The election for President was held on March 28. Dr. Jarres’ German National Peoples Party got the most votes. A runoff election will be held on April 26 between Dr. Marx’s Center Party representing the left and Dr. Jarres’ right, or black-white-red parties. I will send you the results as soon as possible.

Let us here from you soon. We all send you our best.

Your loving father.

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Warm greetings to Uncle and Aunt from all of us.

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Dear good Hans,

How are you. I worry about your health and hope you are well. Dear Hans, you wrote about getting a picture of me. I thought you already had our family picture. We want to have a new picture taken, but not by Eberhardt, but by a proper photographer like the one who you used. Dear Hans, we are so happy to know that you like it there and that you are well. Be very good and study and work hard so that you can get a good job. Philipp wants to go on with his education in Regensburg. I am not happy about him leaving again. I was looking forward to his coming back home an replacing you here. I have very sad days a lot. Often I could cry the whole day long. It is 9:30 as I write this. Everyone is already in bed. It would be nice if Aunt would write and send us a picture. All the best to you from your loving mother. Be well and auf Wiedersehen. Give our best to your Uncle and Aunt. Hanna says hello - she is in bed. Easter will come on Sunday April 12. Write us soon.

Original text