Collection: Weinhardt Family Letters

Author: Johann P. Weinhardt

Recipient: John V. Weinhardt

Description: Letter from Johann P. Weinhardt to his son, John V. Weinhardt, March 15, 1925.

Johann P. Weinhardt an John V. Weinhardt, 15. März 1925

English Text

Windsheim, March 15, 1925

My dear Hans,

Got your letters of the 22nd and 26th of February, in fact the 26th came on March 13 and the 22nd just arrived on March 14. There was also a letter enclosed from Uncle with his picture - please thank him for these. We don’t know what Uncle wrote since we cannot read it, so we will have to wait until Philipp comes home.

Dear Hans, do you still remember my discussion on Friday evening at Schiller’s in Hamburg, when I said that the difference between 2nd and 3rd class on the ship is too great. So how was it? Was I right?

We were all happy to learn that you arrived safely and that you were accepted. I had wanted to give you something extra at your departure in Hamburg, but I did not know what. When the steamship whistled the second time, I looked for you but could not see you. It was only after Moser shouted at me from the ship that I could see where you were. I followed the ship on a small motorboat until it reached the Elbe. It cost one Mark. After we turned around, I could still see you waving. We received your two postcards from England as well as cards and letters you sent from New York. When you write again, let us know more about your trip.

Things are not so good here. Hanna is bedridden all day long. Mother is very busy attending to her, even though she has not been feeling well these past few days. Heinrich Schlee left for Frankfurt 14 days ago. I will let you know his address. We have had snow for 8 days. It has also been very cold for several days. Down to minus 14. The snow is 1 meter deep in some places. I have enclosed some pages from the Fränkischen Kuriers so you can read about the death of Germany’s first Reichspräsident. The election to replace him will take place 14 days from today.

Now give our best to Uncle and Aunt. Also ask Uncle if he received the letter with the old paper money and the little Christmas presents. Also dear Hans, work hard, be honest and true, and think of us often. We all send you our love and kisses.

Your parents

How is the pipe smoking going? I’m sure you did not smoke much on the ship.