Collection: Emmel Family Letters


Caroline Emmel

Wilhelm Emmel

Recipient: Karl Emmel

Description: Letter from Caroline and Wilhelm Emmel to their son, Karl Emmel, August 10, 1939.

Caroline Emmel and Wilhelm Emmel to Karl Emmel, August 10, 1939

English Text

[Partial translation]

10 August 1939 [Father]

We received your mail[...]Carl’s letter with the 6 pages and photos had been opened at the customs office. There were no dollars inside. We also received a letter from Hedwig. The summer vacation is ending, school begins once more on Thursday[...]Finks have also returned, they were in Kärnten [Austrian province] and had a lot of rain there. They said the food was not that great either. Albert wanted to go on the trip[...]Minchen was in Limburg and Steeden for 8 days at her relatives'. Johanna was at home, Ma had a dress altered. Johanna and I took long walks in the woods. We went to the Kellerskopf, along the high trail to Platte then home. We left at 12 and were at the Kellerskopf at 3, from there to Platte where we arrived shortly before 6. On the way home a rain shower surprised us, so Johanna took the bus, I arrived shortly before 8 at home[...]Walter Eikmeier from South America is also here, he does not like the situation here.

Last week we also got the 600 marks which are supposed to be paid off in 52 years, via the debt-relief office. The money for 2 Morgen land, which were part of the 36 for the Erbenheim Airport, was distributed almost entirely to the creditors. The fellow from Nordenstadt got 80 marks I was told by Gretchen, Wilhelm’s wife, on Sunday. The latter had expected a different outcome and was of the opinion that he had something to say in the matter and should receive the largest part. Now he was subjected to the experience that the money was distributed to the creditors without his agreement, and even the interest payments, on which he had counted so strongly since April 1st 1936, were distributed. We are still to receive outstanding interest of 200 marks, which are however partially paid off with the 45 marks worth of Leistungen [goods and services] given as of April 1st of last year. Gretchen also reported that der Alte had thought that the debt-relief office had mishandled the matter but his representative told him this was untrue. He has always had difficulty understanding what is right and proper. He will think of himself three times before he thinks of anyone else. He even cheated his children without being embarrassed.

Dear Carl, I congratulate you on your birthday[...] good fortune and blessings [...] good health[...]many greetings, Pa.


[...]thanks for Carl’s letter[...] we so enjoyed the two pictures, the children have gotten so big in the two years since we left. The time passes and we are getting old. Over the last year Father has become thin, his clothes are all to big. He still likes his food so I think it is his age. The farmers are in the middle of the harvest, but the weather is not propitious, it rains a lot and you can tell the summer is ending soon. This year we have more fruit than last. I have already made jam and jelly and canned other things. But everything is very expensive. Strawberries are 35-50 Pfennig per pound, cherries 40 etc. There are plenty of vegetables.

Father already wrote that we got the 600 marks from Nordenstadt. Now Wilhelm has taken over the whole enterprise; one might say that he leased it. The old folks receive their food and 20 marks pocket money per month. Wilhelm and his wife take care of everything else, they also pay the interest and principal on the remaining debt. Gretchen talked to Father, she is sure that they can pay it off. Of course they have to work harder than the old fellow and be parsimonious. For us and the other creditor it was fortunate that the 2 Morgen land could be sold.

Now dear Carl, Johanna and I congratulate you on your birthday[...]all the best, God’s blessing. I also have a birthday tomorrow, I am still doing well. Soon Joan will go to kindergarten. Is she looking forward to it[...] many greetings, Mother.