Collection: Emmel Family Letters


Caroline Emmel

Wilhelm Emmel

Recipient: Karl Emmel

Description: Letter from Caroline and Wilhelm Emmel to their son, Karl Emmel, November 3, 1938.

Caroline Emmel and Wilhelm Emmel to Karl Emmel, November 3, 1938

English Text

[Partial translation]

3 November 1938

Dear Karl, why haven’t you written in two months? We keep waiting in vain[...] I was in Steeden for two weeks and helped to dig up potatoes. The weather was nice too, just like in the summer, the sun shone from morning to evening. The potatoes were very good, better even than last year. From a good acre, that is to say ½ Morgen, we got 75-80 sacks. The German people has plenty of this foodstuff, it is better than over there. We also put 6 hundredweight into the cellar, the variety is called Industrie, it tastes very good, we remember it from before, but as of 1940 it will no longer be permitted to plant it, because it is susceptible to disease. Here too, those who plant potatoes have to fight the potato beetle, which was brought over from America. It is now to be found in Germany also, and now the government has decreed that on certain days the fields have to be searched for them. Until now only very few have been found, it is being fought most energetically. It remains to be seen if this campaign is successful, the beetle propagates rapidly and spreads for many miles! You are aware that Germany has grown quite a bit, those were exciting days for ???? [no name is mentioned, the question marks are in the original] and so it was good that the peoples were still tired of war from the last one, and no country would like a new one. [He is referring to the annexation of Austria and the Czech Sudetenland in 1938]. We must thank the dear Lord that the matter went off so peacefully and to the advantage of Germany, and that no shot was fired. After the Munich Agreement people said thank God that we were preserved from war. Our good rearmament which showed that we were fully ready secured us the right to undo the injustices done to Germany through the Treaty of Versailles. Might makes right, only no one would have thought that it would be so fast. The warmongers and profiteers, that is the war industries, suffered a big blow. The fruit harvest was quickly over this year. This year the owners of orchards with 40 different varieties did no better than those who had no trees. The cold April/May made them all equal. The Westerwald and Eifel region had a good year, though. Steeden and environs had zero. You can buy fruit in the stores but because of the scarcity it is very expensive. Eating apples cost 40-50 Pfennig a Pfund, cooking apples 35-40, grapes 50-60. Also, the butter ration has been cut. Last week they told us at the distribution point that a person will only get 100 grams a week. This is rather a small quantity, and soon they will be unable to make further cuts. You have to make sure you don’t miss of the portion. It is the same problem with eggs, last week I got 3 for the first time in weeks. In this way we will certainly slim down. Since the end of summer I notice that my pants hang looser, and that buttons on the overcoat needed to be set back 2 inches, all the while one feels well, it is painless. Should it cause pain, dear boy, I will let you know. Of the two sons of Pastor Eikmeier Otto, the older one, has finished his military service of two years and works at the Bingen Post Office. Hans is just finishing his second year in Darmstadt with the Dragoons. Fritz Wissner has finished his six months of labor service, on November 8th he begins his military service in Darmstadt. The idea is that he will later take over the business in Frankfurt. The big opening in Frankfurt is to be next Saturday. Albert Fink will be constantly on the go. Cologne, Hamburg, Berlin, Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Pirmasens, those have been the destination of his travels during the past six months. Last week we had the Andreas Fair; beginning four years ago it has been five weeks earlier. It used to be the first Thursday in December, now the last Thursday in October. Then it lasted two days, now four days. It is also much larger than formerly, extending to Blücherplatz, Elsässerplatz and the adjoining streets. Last Sunday there were huge numbers of visitors, one got pushed around in the throngs. All the carousels, the elevated railway and the rollercoaster were always full, so that one was astonished at the amount of business. Ma and Johanna also went there a lot, so that they would not get home until 11:30 in the evening. Also, the adjoining streets are full of parked cars, just like over there, in long rows there is one car behind the other so that one is astounded at the progress. This week Ma is again doing the big laundry, this is done in the wash kitchen. At the moment the weather is not good for drying outside. So the laundry has to be taken up into the attic. So I have to use both my hands, unlike you who usually only offers one. One has to climb up 130 steps beginning in the courtyard. I do it easily again now that my body weight is more normal again. The comfort-loving Americans can save themselves this kind of hard work, and one quietly muses on the easy life you lead. I am very pleased with my new teeth, the only painful part was the high price. Once again I can chew everything. It was all finished within four weeks. I got used to it quickly, I don’t know why, if it was the good appetite or the rationing. If it goes on like this we will soon be able to eat more than we can see. 100 grams of butter is not a lot, put out such a quantity for yourself sometime so that you get an idea what we are supposed to enjoy for a whole week. But it also has its good parts, in this way the new teeth will be spared so that one can have the beautiful new teeth much longer than otherwise[...] You ask if we had ever considered visiting you. Now we have been here for two years and are well adjusted again. The small matter of the food I don’t take that seriously because I am not responsible for parceling it out. Also, I remind myself of the slogan: No one can please everyone [Recht machen jedermann ist ein Ding das niemand kann]. I would not be against it [visiting them], there is enough time, it would feel good to do something like that, we are still in good shape physically and mentally. But financially I cannot count myself among the lucky ones [...] I would propose the following, counting on your indulgence and recommending your agreement: let us postpone this desire for two years because of the previously mentioned causes. Should you find yourself in the position of coming into the big money overnight, which is quite possible, please let me know and I will make further suggestions! Willi sent ‘The Lutheran’ again, so there would be plenty to talk about[...]last night Johanna came home and said that Albert and Johanna Fink had gone to Frankfurt in order to take over the business there; the big opening is on Saturday. Karl Martin visited us recently and said that this business at the Kornmarkt is the best shoe store in Frankfurt. One only wonders where Albert gets the talent to manage something like that. One hears that the warehouse has an inventory of a million or more. The shoe manufacturer from Pirmasens takes part in the financial arrangement because he takes over the house which is supposed to be very valuable in that location. Miss Kaufmann is also leaving, she will go to London to a Lutheran family. Now I will close because you are so ungrateful and make me wait so long. Pa.


I hear that you, dear Karl, were very sick, thank God you are much better again[...]when one is well again one must not forget to give thanks [...] God wants to show us how futile are all earthly concerns and that our goal is the eternal home[...]that is my consolation also, especially as one sees how disbelief and mockery of all that is divine is becoming so common. What would it have been like if war had broken out and our leadership only depended on their power, I think that cannot lead to success. Certainly we were spared once more, it is questionable if that can happen again. Here all the military had already left, there was no enthusiasm for it, it was all quiet and still. A part of the people literally assigns divine power to Hitler, the others already saw our ruin. Many bought gasmasks and foodstuffs. They say there were sad incidents at the barracks. Many reservists had been called up ahead of time, then when people heard that the soldiers were to depart their relatives stormed into the barracks. The officers had the civilians removed and locked up the barracks. Then the soldiers were taken away in trucks at night. Now they say that you are responsible to the community with all you have , they mean for the party, those who are in it are taken care of. The party is very strong now. They also took the funeral expense fund from our church, there were 11,000 marks, this is now taken over by a state insurance. Thus the church loses everything. Once all the Jews are gone it will be the turn of the church. There are very few businesses left that belong to Jews. The doctors have had to give up their practices as of the first of October. Who would have dreamt of something like that 30 years ago! Yesterday was Reformation Sunday. Pastor Eikmeier preached very well that the dear Lord will preserve the Church of God despite the rampaging of her enemies.

I believe so far no one has written that we are to have the 600 marks from Nordenstadt after all. We heard from the debt relief office that the 4,300 is now to be distributed. We will let you know when we have it. Some weeks ago Father reconciled with his brother, we have not gone there yet and will not do so, that way we get along best. We had ‘Mission Sunday’ three weeks ago, Wilhelm was here for dinner with his son, it was the first time. Wilhelm and his wife are the way one is supposed to be, they have to put up with a lot from the older generation. Pastor Elkmeier also feels very sorry for the younger ones, but the older generation is always in the right and he cannot make any headway. Herr Lemp is still manager. So when Father and his brother were with the Pastor, Herr Lemp let them have a piece of his mind, told them what was the proper behavior for Christians including in worldly affairs, that he may not cheat anyone out of his money etc. so he closed his big mouth and gave in. Wilhelm looks very bad and is very nervous. His own boy is not quite right either, so he and his wife have their problems. The other boy is very sensible, he already goes to town by himself for religious instruction[...]

Dear Karl, please make sure that your lungs heal properly, fresh air is very good for that. My father often had pneumonia and always had a cough which caused him a lot of problems[...]Father also sends greetings [...] I do too, Mother