Collection: Emmel Family Letters


Caroline Emmel

Wilhelm Emmel

Recipient: Karl Emmel

Description: Letter from Caroline and Wilhelm Emmel to their son, Karl Emmel, December 28, 1925.

Caroline Emmel and Wilhelm Emmel to Karl Emmel, December 28, 1925

English Text

[Partial translation]

Wiesbaden, 28 December 1925

On the first day of Christmas, we had Communion at church and a children’s service at noon. Ernst from Nordenstadt spent the night at our house. On the second day of Christmas, we accompanied him to Nordenstadt. The weather was very bad; it rained incessantly[…]

We did set up a Christmas tree. Willy had sent us $20. From that money, we bought several items for Johanna, such as a coat for 65 marks, 2 aprons, and a pair of pants. Father also bought her a nice pair of lacquered shoes and socks at Müller’s. For himself, he bought a pair of dress shoes and some slippers. We are holding off on the purchase of a hat since we do not know yet whether the same hats will still be in style in the spring […] As you can see, your money has been put to good use […] you want to know what is going on in politics. It still looks very bad […] After the [Locarno] Agreement, which has been adopted by various states, the Rhineland was declared a neutral zone and Germany agreed to join the League of Nations. Occupation forces are leaving the Cologne zone right now. Tomorrow, the French will leave Wiesbaden and most of the right shore of the Rhine River. British soldiers will occupy the shore instead. The billeting officers have been here for about the past two weeks and are staying at the Lorcher School. Everything has to be done over for them, for they are cleaner and more demanding. It is too early to tell whether this change will make things better for Wiesbaden.

Unemployment is increasing every day. One big company after another is going bankrupt. They say that the real economic collapse is just starting […] there is a report in the evening paper, stating that renting fees for January will only increase by 2% because of the dire situation […] you are lucky, you do not have to live through all of this. Don’t forget to thank the Lord for having guided you so wonderfully over there. Whenever we tell people here that you found work so quickly, they find it hard to believe. Therefore, do not forget in the New Year, either, that all good things come from above.

As I mentioned earlier, [illegible] and I got some work from the District Association (Landeshaus), which is building another two new duplex-style apartment buildings in the Albrechtdürer subdivision. We made the foldable window shutters for one of the houses. The deadline given was 6 days, but it took us 9 days. The amount paid was 975 marks. The price of the wood was 500 marks; tools and other materials cost 100 marks. We worked from 7:30 am until 9 pm in order to finish. Our hourly wage amounted to 1 mark; this gives you an idea of the low wages for which people will currently work here. The lack of work drives down prices. People have to be glad to have any work at all.

[…] Kindest regards, your father.

[Appendix: Mother’s letter]

[…] Willy is very lazy when it comes to writing; go ahead and tell him so. He has forgotten us entirely and no longer asks about us. I am very sad about that. You have been over there for more than a year now – and Willy 3 years already. […]

Johanna came home 3 weeks ago as well. She is in very good health. However, she was not very healthy while at home; she could not get rid of her cold and her cough. She has not had a cold yet since going to Bensheim. And she has gained 10 pounds since the spring. They eat very well there. There is something different for every meal, and it helps to have company when eating.

Overall, spending time at the boarding school has been a good thing for Johanna. However, Father wants her to come home for good at Christmas. By then, she will have been there for 5 months […]

[…]I am in bed with some type of flu […]

Ernst was here today and invited us to come to Nordenstadt next Sunday for an “after-the-wedding” celebration. Father wants to go, but I will stay at home. I prefer it this way, for it is getting ever more difficult for me to go there. My walking still has not improved[…] Have I already written to you about the Mehl [?] brothers opening a hair salon on Wörthstrasse. Generally, these salons do quite well because of the bob hairstyle. Here, even older women get their hair cut, just like over there […] Kindest regards from Mama.