Collection: Emmel Family Letters


Caroline Emmel

Wilhelm Emmel

Recipient: Karl Emmel

Description: Letter from Caroline and Wilhelm Emmel to their son, Karl Emmel, December 9, 1925.

Caroline Emmel and Wilhelm Emmel to Karl Emmel, December 9, 1925

English Text

[Partial translation]

Wiesbaden, 9 December 1925

[…] On Sunday, the stores were open for the first time. All the business owners are complaining bitterly about the meager sales. Last week, there was another Andreas Market in the old location. It was bigger than in the past few years[…….] We have had plenty of snow for the past two weeks already. Many people went tobogganing. There were several accidents as well. A friend of Theo Müller’s had an accident and died during the subsequent surgery. He was a young man named Schweißgut, who lived on Adolfsallee. Do people toboggan as much over there? Opportunities for ice-skating existed as well: Schierstein Harbor was frozen, as was the Lahn River […]

The day before yesterday, Wilhelm from Nordenstadt was here with his toboggan. He said that Lenchen had written, that she was very happy and that they intended to get married soon, perhaps at Christmas […] there should be enough of you over there for a sizable wedding party[. …] Is Max truly happy? What kind of work does he currently do? Petter left for Bersrod and the surrounding area eight days ago. The Scheldes want to divide up, and Petter is supposed to give advice. And he will certainly look for a wife for Wilhelm while there. I am sure he will have found one by spring; this seems to be his most important pursuit right now. Wilhelm is currently doing all the work. He is such a nice young man […]

We did not send you anything for Christmas. We no longer felt like doing that after what happened last year.

This is Father writing now. Theo Müller told me that he borrowed 20,000 marks from the owner of a shoe manufacturing business at an interest rate of 10%. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to do what he is doing […] It has been very cold here for the past few days; there is a lot of snow; the window panes are frozen from top to bottom; in the courtyard, the thermometer showed 10 degrees below zero; at the Warmer Damm on Wilhelmstraße, the temperature supposedly was minus 16 – 18 degrees […] The water pipe leading to the toilet in Dr. Ritterling’s bathroom was totally frozen; I had to go and thaw it out. He asked about you and sends his kindest regards.