Collection: Emmel Family Letters

Author: Caroline Emmel

Recipient: Karl Emmel

Description: Letter from Caroline Emmel to her son, Karl Emmel, November 29, 1925.

Caroline Emmel to Karl Emmel, November 29, 1925

English Text

[Partial translation]

Wiesbaden, 29 November 1925

[…] Otherwise things will continue this way in Steeden. There is no money there, either, and the job situation is very bad. It will be a very hard winter for the entire country […] Everyone shares our happiness about the fact that you found work so quickly. We are also very glad that you found work in your field….. Father has finished work in Müller’s building […] all he has to do now is take the doors there. However, it is difficult at the moment because we have quite a bit of snow already […] on Sunday, we had Communion.

Wilhelm and Ernst were here as well. Wilhelm brought Lenchen’s letter along. So she finally reached you, after an exhausting journey. She likes it very much there. I hope it stays that way. Mr. Alt, who used to run the business in Mainz, had to close as well […] Martin Schmidt is unemployed as of today, too […] Supposedly, Mr. Alt received 100,000 marks from Wagner’s business. Imagine how terrible this is for a family like his; and old Mrs. Wagner is now left with nothing as well. Wherever you look, nothing but terrible need.

Hermann from Bechtheim is now living in Bechtheim with his wife and child. Hermann takes care of the paperwork while his wife is in charge of the household. He had been unemployed for a long time, and when things could no longer continue the way they were, he moved his family to Bechtheim. Rudolf got engaged and bought an old house in Aumenau. He plans to go to work from there […] on Thursdays and Fridays, there is an Andreas Market again at Elsässer and Blücher Squares – just like in the old days […] Willy has not written to us for a long time […]

Things are fine in Nordenstadt. Wilhelm is supposed to get married, but is worried about the expense of a wedding. Yesterday, his father wanted to go to Bersrod again, in order to ask for the hand of Minna Schelde on Wilhelm’s behalf […] The Ewalds from Frankfurt gave Petter 500 marks as a pay-off for the Licher inheritance. Lenchen informed us that the boys intended to send money. It is fine with us; it means that he will be able to give his siblings their money this Christmas […] I have a cold with a cough, kindest regards to all, Mama.