Collection: Benecke Family Collection

Author: Frieda Schorss

Recipient: Louis Benecke

Description: Letter from Frieda Schorss to Louis Benecke, the widower of her aunt Josephine Amerlan Benecke, December 3, 1909.

Frieda Schorss to Louis Benecke, December 3, 1909

English Text

Wenigerode, 3.12.09

My dear Louis.

According to my promise I send you the program of the concert and the review. Everything went very well and I liked my piano very much. The little violinist from Buenos Ayres is a lovely young creature and played beautifully. The Gymnasium students, a lot of whom were in the concert, were so enthusiastic

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that they wanted to take the horses away from her on the way home. Their youthful enthusiasm was very droll. Now we have turned our thoughts to Christmas, because we will have the joy to see our Hermann with us. We are already looking forward to his dear visit, since we only see each other once a year. For you, dear Louis, Christmas will be connected with melancholy, the 2nd Christmas that you will spend without

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our dear Jose, but she will certainly be silently present with you and will rejoice with you in the joy of your grandchildren and children. You still have much left and the memory of the many years of untroubled happiness that you all enjoyed together is also beautiful. We will remember you by the burning fir tree and wish you already now that you would like to celebrate the festival with all your loved ones in good health and as lively as possible. Mamchen also greets you warmly.

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She is, thank God, healthy and lively. She doesn't go out at all in the bad weather, but moves around the house a lot. She doesn't play skat at all now – she's saving that until next year when you'll be sitting in your old place and we'll play skat again like in the old, beautiful times. We are looking forward to that very much! Aunt Friedchen is now in Berlin with Otto Schultze and Marta née Amerlan and will probably spend Christmas with them in Forst. She writes with great pleasure and satisfaction. And now, my dear Louis, make do with these lines for today,

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greet your dear children all warmly and to yourself love from Mamchen and your faithful Frieda Schorss

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You might be interested to know that the landlord of the Hotel Monopol, where you stayed, has gone bankrupt very badly. Many businessmen have lost large sums of money with him.

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I answered your last dear letter already in October. I hope you received my letter.

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Original text