Author: Caroline Emmel

Recipient: Karl Emmel

Caroline Emmel to Karl Emmel, August 19, 1927

English Text

[Partial translation] Wiesbaden, 19.8.1927 Dear Karl, Received your letter of July 29th […] many thanks for your congratulations. I have turned 50 and you will be 26. We all congratulate you from our hearts and wish you God’s abundant blessing for the rest of your life’s journey […] if your birthday were a month later we would be able to congratulate you in person. Now we are in the middle of packing and can see how much junk we have. Dad is angrily shaking his head from time to time […] We will get through all of that […] I wrote to Frankfurt that they need to pick up the dining room furniture next week, so that we have some free space somewhere. In two weeks most of this will be done, then Johanna and I will go to Steeden one more time. Then we will see how we pass the last few days […] Schmidte Pat was operated on his stomach in Frankfurt[ …]it was a cancerous tumor […] they could not cut off all of it. In Nordenstadt everything is still the same. They had already finished the harvest. This week the older ones were here for the first time since Easter. Two weeks ago Father was at their place and told them we needed our money. We had told them that at once as soon as we realized we would be able to buy something over there. At the time Father mentioned to them that perhaps the Ewalds would be able to help them. So the old one immediately went to Frankfurt and told the Ewalds that we wanted our money and had told them they needed to return it. Thereupon we received a letter from H. Ewald. So when he was here this week he said the Ewalds have no money and if he could not get any in any other way he would not be able to pay us back. He said this very coolly. She seems to take it more to heart than he does, she looks very ill, has lost 7 pounds in two weeks she says. Wilhelm is not feeling well either. His nerves are shot, the merest puff of wind blows him over. Young Luischen is now at his little house in Allendorf, I don’t know whether we will see her once more, I think we will write him when we pass by Giessen so then maybe she can go there once more. There are several things we would like her to have, quite a few things which one cannot sell and which are too nice to throw out. We want to give those to young Luise who is just now beginning keeping house and can use everything. The folks in Nordenstadt have bought quite a few things for young Lenchen, for example a fabulous tablecloth with napkins which cost almost 70 marks. I had never seen one like it; I wonder if she sent them the money. We will still buy the things for the Emmel family. Wibben is going to make a new suit for Father. Staudt just came to get Father’s planing bench. Hermann is working on his chest, which will be his journeyman’s piece. Disorder and confusion all over. We have to keep drinking our wine, how much we will miss having that later. Frau Schmidt (Luise Mueller) has been at the Paulinenstift [hospital] for several weeks, no one knows what her problem is. Frau Bender wanted to visit her but was not given permission. Only family members may visit her. She seems to be very sick. It is too sad, now that they have a business she is ill. All we heard last year was that business was good, the shop in the Ellenbogen Street had to be enlarged. This year they are booting out Fraulein Herring [?] and her hat shop and added that small shop, further there was talk putting a shop on the second floor, etc. What is Willy doing, there is no word about him. Greet him and all relatives and acquaintances from us […] and greetings to you […] Mother

Original text