Collection: Emmel Family Letters


Caroline Emmel

Wilhelm Emmel

Recipient: Karl Emmel

Description: Letter from Caroline and Wilhelm Emmel to their son, Karl Emmel, March 8, 1938.

Caroline Emmel and Wilhelm Emmel to Karl Emmel, March 8, 1938

English Text

[Partial translation]

Steeden, 8 March 1938 [Father]

Received Karl’s letter of 7 February with thanks [...] you had a lot of snow and cold, as is usual in the state of Wisconsin [...] here it was not so bad [...] we had one cold day in January [...] otherwise it was only 4-5 degrees below and then the sun shone, there you can see the difference between here and there. On the first of March the tulips were already as high as a finger in pastor’s garden [...] in the cemetery pansies, snowdrops and primroses are blossoming [...] one could say the winter is over [...] of course it will show its face once more in April [...] the candy you sent arrived in good condition [...] the tin can has no dents [...] my weight is probably around three pounds less, we are still healthy and have nothing to complain about [...] .Ma is no exception, she feels well. Paul will be one year old and looks fine. Can he walk? The boys take longer [...] his Pa did not bring me the newspaper until he was 14 months old [...] so we send our best wishes to Paul on his birthday and hope that he continues to grow under God’s protection and brings joy to you and honor to God. At the end of January Pastor Eikmeier bought his car for 2000 marks. It is not as roomy as your or Willi’s Ford. The liter of gasoline costs 40 Pfennig, which is why it will be expensive to have. We did not imagine it would cost so much. All amenities cost money, especially here in Germany [...] as I already mentioned to Willi, we bought our furniture in Kelkheim and are thinking of moving to Wiesbaden the beginning of April, then Bismarckring 35 will be our address, please let Willi know too, I forgot to tell him [...] the way we lived until now was only makeshift.

Three weeks ago, I also received a notice from the district court of Wiesbaden from which one can see how high the debt in Nordenstadt is. A debt of 8,500 marks backed by 9 Morgen of land plus the Hofreite [courtyard area]. As 2 Morgen [one Morgen is less than an acre] was sold to the airport recently [Erbenheim Airport, now Lucius D. Clay Kaserne] (formerly Racecourse Erbenheim), the creditors are only getting their part of [the proceeds] of 2 Morgen, which is about 450 marks. He will get the rest paid out, which is 4,000 marks, a good deal. The government pays 2,400 for one Morgen. We are asking for 600 marks, and our part is 30 marks, on the mark comes 50 Pfennig. As Lenchen wrote, he now wrote to them and indicated being debt free. Certainly he will have complained about us quite a bit and presented himself and his mother like [innocent] lambs. Even though we will move to Wiesbaden, our friendship will remain cool as long as he and Mother act offended. To make debts and then cheat others does not strike him as dishonorable and he does not feel it necessary to lower his eyes. We have the matter in black and white that he cheated us. He wanted to do even better with the compulsory settlement, which actually is what happened. According to the repayment plan, the 8,500 marks will grow to 20,000 to 22,000 marks. But this does not bother him, because he knows that he will no longer be paying in 51 years, and that he need not think about what happens after his death. His children and grandchildren can do what he failed to do and so reap bad memories and nothing else [...]

Now I want to close, Ma also wants to write [...] Greetings, Pa.


[...] Johanna was in Ennerich at Lydia’s for two weeks and made herself a black dress there. On Sunday she visited Hedwig’s sister Gertrud in Dietz, she was also supposed to sew her a dress. I am having a dark blue dress made by a seamstress, and a tailor is making me a new light coat. Here we have to get used to a different situation, people pay a lot of attention to clothing [...] we are quite glad that we are going back to Wiesbaden, we are known there and I can go out sometimes in the afternoon. This is not possible here, there is nothing but work and people have no time for anything else. Pastor Eikmeier from Wiesbaden was here for a conference, he came by one evening and was very glad that we former members are coming back to Wiesbaden. The Prätorius family will have four weddings this year, we will have the opportunity to help all of them celebrate [...] the Martins in Frankfurt will celebrate a confirmation, Johanna is also invited to that [...] there is much quarrelling and discontent in the families since the land may no longer be subdivided. One gets everything and the others nothing. And what daughters-in-law there are. Poor Karl in Schadeck has a wife who is often confused and also very vulgar, you would not believe it, and for that person the whole family has worked for years and what an old age the parents now have! Dear Karl, thank God every day that you have such a good wife, here I see the opposite in many families [...] I congratulate dear little Paul most heartily on his birthday and wish him health and God’s blessing. Too bad that Margie cannot read this letter [...] tell her everything [...] also greet Joän and all of you [...] Mother.