Author: Conrad Steinhoff

Recipient: Gisela Schneiderheinze (Blumenberg)

Description: Letter from Conrad Steinhoff to Gisela Blumenberg, November 8, 1911.

Conrad Steinhoff to Gisela Blumenberg, November 8, 1911

English Text

Dear Sister-in-law and children, Just now we received the sad news from you that your good father has left you which makes us all very sad Grandmother is very distressed about it, she says that she is already so old and now August has to go up ahead of her but such are the ways of God one must go early and and another goes late Dear Sister-in-law, you must take comfort with the words, What God does is well done How gladly we would have liked to see each other once again but [page 2] Now that joy is gone. When we got the pictures from you we just said that August has aged so much for Brother Henry looks younger on his picture We were very glad for the pictures and express our sincerest thanks Each one got one and all were glad for the remebrance from you Dear Sister-in-law hopefully your children will not leave you and will be good to you Now take comfort all of you together and remeber your Papa in a good image and a meeting up there Many greetings from your Sister-in-law and brother-inlaw. C. Steinhoff [page 3] Dear Aunt, You have been waiting for our letter a long time. Now beacuse it is Sunday today we take the pen in order to let you know we received your letter in the morning and were so pleased then when the mailman came we got such a scare. Dear Aunt, I was just thinking that you had never visited us but now that will never happen. Dear Aunt, we had poor weather today, raining steadily, so we hope you have better weather It was so dry all summer that everything dried up. The potatoes did rather well, but the wheat harvest was nothing, the stalks amounted to nothing at all. Dear Aunt, now I want to close with the hope that this letter reaches you in good health. A thousand greetings to Frieda, Alfred, Oswald and Karl. [page 4] Dear Daughter-in-law and children Your letter was very startling to me that my son goes on ahead of me this way when I am so old It is sad that you have lost your father, but you have no way of opposing God, for it stands written that one goes so far and no farther So may this dear God help you and the Father up there will not forsake you My dear children, do not forsake your mother Not a day passes that I do not think of you as your Grandmother. Rely on God, for He will help you. Heartiest greetings from Your Grandmother

Original text