Collection: Community Contributions

Author: Heinrich Schlue

Recipient: Heinrich Schlue

Description: Letter from Heinrich Schlue to Ernst Schlue, July 16, 1907. The author of the letter, Heinrich Schlue, was the son of Ernst Schlue's brother, also named Heinrich. The letter was written to inform Ernst Schlue of the death of the elder Heinrich Schlue.

Heinrich Schlue to Ernst Schlue, July 16, 1907

English Text

Oettern, July 16th, 1907

My dear uncle! and all your loved ones,

Dear uncle Ernest, I want you to know right at the beginning of this letter of mourning that our dear father fell asleep on the 11th [of the month?] and was buried on Saturday.[1] Father himself described his illness to you not long ago, so I do not want to come back to that. His illness had worsened in the end, so that he decided on the advice of the doctors, for an operation. He had been home for three weeks as of last Friday from his operation at the Landkrankenhaus in Detmold.

[new page]

2) I do not need to tell you that these three weeks have been anxious and difficult, and I believe you can imagine that as well; I can not write you anything more. But despite his recent heavy suffering, he still remembered [underline:] you [/ underline] and [underlined:] all of you [/ underline] in America. Some time before his death he said to me that I should greet Brother Ernst and the others all in America once again from him, and I would like to do this, to fulfill the wish of my dear father, and I ask you to share this with all the siblings. For his funeral, he had long before chosen the text of Psalm 23, “The Lord is my shepherd” and the hymns “Jesus nimmt die Kinder an” and “Christus ist mein leben,” which were a comfort for him; but also for all of us who still live on earth.

[new page]

3) Now dear Uncle, I would like to conclude this time with the warmest regards from all of us and one more time from the dear deceased.


Heinrich Schlue

[new page, death announcement]

This morning at 11 o'clock, my dear husband, our good father, the farmer Heinrich Schlue, died in the 66th year of life after a long and difficult illness.

This has deeply saddened

The bereaved relatives.

Oettern bei Heiden, July 11, 1907


[1] "11. d. M." likely stands for "11. des Monats." July 11, 1907 was a Thursday; July 13 was the following Saturday.

Original text