Collection: Sosnowski Family Letters

Description: Letter from Karoline Schlemmer to her sister, Sophie Sosnowski, August 25, 1845.

Karoline Schlemmer to Sophie Sosnowski, August 25, 1845

English Text

Pforzheim, Aug. 25, 1845.

Dear Sophie,

Your notice of the change in your residence has been a great surprise to me. So it has been necessary for you to reach this resolution. May God bless you in this new undertaking and give health to you and your children so that your business may not be a burden to you. 

How often, yes, daily, I receive through thoughts of you a feeling of painful sadness, which is only perceptible through parting of relations, and if we were not living in hopes of the possibility of a favorable change in our fate, so would it indeed be a lonesome existence, often times unbearable. But why all of this complaining? May God grant that you, dear Sophie, write me good news about yourself and children and that they are all well. That does me more good than all of the descriptions of the beautiful scenery in America. They say that the heat was very intense in New York this past summer; have you also suffered under it? It rained daily here—that too much and not enough, shows itself plainly that mankind, in spite of all their inventions, have made no progress.

I think you would like to know, dear Sophie, how Stange and his followers are getting on. In the beginning, this congregation had no trouble from the government, but now all rights that a Christian congregation should enjoy are being taken from them. They do not, with the exception of a few places, give them room or shelter to preach in. As a rule, they have to hold their meetings or services in the open air, and it was at one of these meetings where Stange received a heavy blow to his head from a fanatic, which rendered him unconscious. 

By us here in Baden it is quiet, although there are some who deny that they are Catholics. A violent, bloody scene  happened a few days ago in Leipzig, of which you have probably heard. The main cause originated from the fight of the concessionists, but let us break off from this newspaper stuff. I would rather converse with you about your present circumstances and your children, and would like to ask you all kinds of questions. But oh, how long have I got to wait upon an answer? How is it with little Sophie, and will Julius be well soon from his sickness? How do you arrange it anyway? Does somebody look after your children during your absence? And how do they pay servants in America?

May God grant that you will soon send me good news. As far as ourselves are concerned, we have had a sorrowful time. Both of my children are sick, Schlemer at the same time not well and without help; I alone the nurse. Otherwise, everything is the same. 

Hearty greetings we send you and wish the best for your welfare. 

Your dear sister,
Greetings from Sophie and August, too.