Collection: Sosnowski Family Letters

Description: Letter from Karoline Schlemmer to her sister, Sophie Sosnowski, January 30, 1845.

Karoline Schlemmer to Sophie Sosnowski, January 30, 1845

English Text

Pforzheim, Jan. 30, 1845.

Dear Sophie:

Your long expected letter has once more given me pleasure to know that you and your children are in the best of health, although you should not have let me wait so long for an answer. 

Although I think that your circumstances are different from mine and don’t prefer to let me know the circumstances of your business, so I will excuse you over your long silence. Our living, dear Sophie, is still the same. As I wrote you in my last letter, I stand with my children so alone as you perhaps do with yours in America. A great deal adds to the circumstances because Schlemer has had to much trouble carrying his mother that it has always been my wish and will still remain so, to be near you. Still, I do again beg that providence may bring us together and that this wish may be realized. You have not, in your last letter, told me much about the children; only that they are well and are strong, for which I am very glad indeed. Are they also brave and good to you? Say to them that I send them hearty greetings, and from Sophie and August also. Yet I do not know the beautiful language that your children speak in Erie, PA. 
But your other circumstances, from what you write to me, I can easily make out that you have no second choice and that you cannot make up your mind and neither can guess whether you are coming back to your home. But with teaching alone, you cannot make your living here. 

The family of Arothsche, who have ignored me for the past eleven years, have at last given me some notice. 

Madam Fillinger, who studied the French language, at present makes her home in Karlsruhe and does very well in translation there. She lives in the house with her mother, but from Theodore I can give you no news. His bitter feeling toward me originates from the remarks which he has made, as if I had been the cause of the step which you have made in your fate. I would be very glad to see him once more, but as he has been the cause of my pain, I shall take no steps towards him and shall not try to hunt him up. 
Now farewell, dear Sophie, may God keep you, remain always well and I dearly wish you this. 

Your true sister,