Collection: Dorothea Handel (Schuhmacher) Family Letters

Author: Konrad Walz

Recipient: Dorothea Handel (Schuhmacher)

Description: Letter from Konrad Walz to Dorothea Schuhmacher, February 3, 1868.

Konrad Walz to Dorothea Schuhmacher, February 3, 1868

English Text

Bretten, 3 February 1868

Beloved Friends,

May God’s grace and blessings be with you! We do hope you received our letter from mid-November 1867 in reasonable time. The friend we asked to handle the letter is reliable, and the address was correct, but to this day we have not received a response from you, although it would have meant so much to your dear mother when she was still alive.

It was God’s will to call her into Eternity on Saturday, January 25th. She found grace, forgiveness, and absolution in the Blood of Jesus Christ. I saw it with my own eyes, and heard it with my own ears, as she spoke with great joy in her praise of the Lord. The worldly realm was no longer of importance to her. She only cared that she found absolution in the Blood of Christ, and that is how she passed on.

She was cared for, as she often said herself, like a countess. Many good friends brought her the best things, so she wanted for nothing, and also in her care she did not lack a thing. During the last three weeks, your father had support from people who sat by her bedside, otherwise he would have been overwhelmed.

I gave him some money that he needed. At this time it has added up to a little over 60 Gulden, due to the long stretch of time that included doctor’s visits, medication, household needs, and funeral expenses — not including the upcoming costs of your father’s arrangements; he is now a frail man. I am concerned about making sure he does not suffer any deprivation for the time he has no income. I know you would not want that. In all my decisions I am considering the duties and needs of all sides involved. I will contact you again when your father’s affairs have been brought in order. He is currently putting up for auction the things in his home that he no longer needs. If an interested party is found to purchase the fields at Hoberg at a decent price, he plans to sell them. From the proceeds he hopes to pay off his debt, and also some of the mortgage on the house.

So we don’t request any money or support from you, but you must be patient – and no doubt will be, for the love of your father.

I can’t promise you at this time that there will be anything left, for now. I do hope you will respond to this letter and let me know your thoughts on these matters. We don’t mean to place any blame on you. You will feel the pain of your mother not having heard from you – but rejoice, as she is blessed. You, too, should prepare yourself, with joy before your God, for the blessed reunion with her. Your father is devoting himself to the will of God and wants to renew his commitment to the ways of the Lord, and God surely will help him succeed. Times here are difficult, but God will help. Everyone else at my home is well.

With heartfelt greetings to all of you,

Your loving friends

Your commissioner[1], Konrad Walz

[1] Perhaps in the sense of an attorney, or a friend who has taken on the role of representative of the parents.

Original text