Collection: Community Contributions

Author: Heinrich Flentge


Sophie Schunemann (Flentge)

Carl Christian Ludwig Flentge

Description: Letter from Heinrich Flentge to Carl and Sophie Flentge, October 13, 1907. Carl Christian Ludwig Flentge immigrated to the United States in the early 1850s; Heinrich Flentge was the son of his brother Carl Heinrich Ludwig Flentge.

Heinrich Flentge to Carl and Sophie Flentge, October 13, 1907

English Text

Cathrinhagen, October 13, 1907

Dear Uncle and Aunt!

I have some sad news for you, that my dear father passed away following a heart attack. He had looked bad the day before, I still said that morning I must have a look to see what Father is doing, whether he is going to be really ill. Because we had our harvest festival planned for October 6 + 7. As I entered the bedroom, I said Father, what did..., but he was already dead. Now you can surely imagine what a scare that was for me to find him dead in his bedroom.

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We did not hold the harvest festival. Uncle Grund. Meier Ferdinand N. 3., he died on August 28 after being seriously ill. Dear Uncle! where the Steierbergs are concerned, they are still reasonably well, only the aunt is also sick quite often. Apart from that we are still pretty well. Dear Uncle and Aunt, now I must also tell you about our harvest. That summer when you were here it was rather cold. The harvest, well, it is still okay. Rye costs [illegible] 2 liters 19 Marks. Wheat suffered from the frost this last winter. That does not yield much here, one Himpe [an old German grain measure] costs 5 Marks and 50 Pfennigs. Oats is doing very well. It is 2 M. and 40 - 50 Pfennigs for one Himpe. The prices for grain are high here, not so however those for cattle.

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Fat pigs are 40 -42 Marks for 100#. 6-weeks-old piglets are 10 - 12 Marks for a pair. Cows are still rather expensive. Dear Uncle! I am sending you the picture of my oldest and youngest son Karl, he is now around 5 years old and was my father's darling. Dear Uncle and Aunt! I will now conclude this letter and hope that it will reach you in good health. With best wishes from your nephew H. Flentge and wife

[Left margin remark:]

Many regards from the Steierbergs, and please write again quite soon.

Original text