Collection: Schweitzer-Guggenheimer Letter Collection

Author: Isaac Schweitzer


Hirsch Schweitzer

Marie “Malchen” Bernheimer (Schweitzer)

Louise Schweitzer (Durlacher)

Ernestine Schweitzer

Description: Letter from Isaac Schweitzer to the Schweitzer family, August 8, 1869.

Isaac Schweitzer to Schweitzer family, August 8, 1869

English Text

Fincastle, Va., August 8th, 1869 Dear esteemed parents and dear sisters! I received your dear [letter] from July 12 from which I can see your best wellbeing; thank God and thank God I can say the same of me. I hope that you received my previous [letter] with an insert of 10 Dollars in banknotes. I gathered from dear mother’s letter that business is rather good in Germany, the question is only which profit can be achieved, I don’t remember any longer. Business is still not lively here, there is always some selling going on but not enough. I am still in negotiation with Kronenberg if I want to start [a business] with him or not. I expect letters from him, one is quickly connected, but one has to know how to succeed. Therefore, dear father, I cannot exactly promise when I can send the money. It is possible that I might send it at the beginning of October but maybe I cannot send it before the beginning of November. I will do all I can to send you the money in the shortest time but I cannot say exactly in which week. You write, dear father, that Hertkorn is selling his house. If it is sold for a reasonable price and under agreeable conditions I would advise you to buy it. It would be possible that I return to Germany if you think that I would not be in danger next year. I think that it is a good location for a store and if you know how to do it I can also earn money in Mühringen especially since it is very helpful having gone through the American school. We could trade with dresses, shoes, fabrics, and could keep all kinds of things which I understand completely, better than Berthold. I can say and know that money has to be made. Write me your opinion about it as soon as possible, likewise if the house was sold or not since I have to take into account what I am going to do here, if I should buy commodities in the fall just in case that I cannot come to an agreement with Kronenberg or if I am going to let Uncle buy. Dear Mother, I will be glad if I will have been separated from Uncle since it is not a small task. Concerning the letters which come to Oberndorf, don’t worry about them. You should by now know Sophia + Uncle Salomon, both are braggards, Simon is not a businessman and the two girls do not go to school. Sophia is in Harrisburg at Aunt Dorchen’s and is sewing and Francis is the cook and does everything that has to be done. Berthe Schwarz has not been well for a few weeks, likewise Francis. They eat too many fruits, although I see to it that they don’t do it, but they usually don’t listen. They keep a messy, unfriendly house for Aunt, I do not go to them to their house very often because I do not eat there, since I eat and sleep at Guggenheimer’s. Mr. Guggenheimer and his wife ask me to send you their best regards. I received a letter from Hirsch, he is going to get married next month. He invited me to visit him. Uncle Joseph is a lazy writer as you know, he sends his best regards to you all, he will write shortly. Today Babett, Henry and three children were here for a visit. They send their best regards and will write soon. I am pleased that Samson became a Swiss citizen, because I did not think that he could have easily gotten used to the life here. How many spa visitors are in Imnau? There is a spa 17 hours from here where 2000 guests go to every year. There are no less than 12 spas in the area, bigger ones and smaller ones. If Americans come to Imnau, just ask them, dear Ernestine, if they know anything about the White Sulphur Spring that means “(White Sulphur spa), W. Virginia. Dear mother, I take your advice and drink lemonade regularly. I don’t know much to write about this time. Write an answer soon, best regards to all from your son and brother Isaac Schweitzer Dear Louisa, tell Feigenheimer that he should write to me. Best regards to dear Berthe, Isak, and all other relatives as well as customers. What are Joseph and Philipp doing? Where did Hertkorn move to? Where is Jacob [?] Eppstein + when is he going to return to America? thank God and thank God I can say the same of me. I hope that you received my previous [letter] with an insert of 10 Dollars in banknotes. I gathered from dear mother’s letter that business is rather good in Germany, the question is only which profit can be achieved, I don’t remember any longer. Business is still not lively here, there is always some selling going on but not enough. I am still in negotiation with Kronenberg if I want to start [a business] with him or not. I expect letters from him, one is quickly connected, but one has to know how to succeed. Therefore, dear father, I cannot exactly promise when I can send the money. It is possible that I might send it at the beginning of October but maybe I cannot send it before the beginning of November. I will do all I can to send you the money in the shortest time but I cannot say exactly in which week. You write, dear father, that Hertkorn is selling his house. If it is sold for a reasonable price and under agreeable conditions I would advise you to buy it. It would be possible that I return to Germany if you think that I would not be in danger next year. I think that it is a good location for a store and if you know how to do it I can also earn money in Mühringen especially since it is very helpful having gone through the American school. We could trade with dresses, shoes, fabrics, and could keep all kinds of things which I understand completely, better than Berthold. I can say and know that money has to be made. Write me your opinion about it as soon as possible, likewise if the house was sold or not since I have to take into account what I am going to do here, if I should buy commodities in the fall just in case that I cannot come to an agreement with Kronenberg or if I am going to let Uncle buy. Dear Mother, I will be glad if I will have been separated from Uncle since it is not a small task. Concerning the letters which come to Oberndorf, don’t worry about them. You should by now know Sophia + Uncle Salomon, both are braggards, Simon is not a businessman and the two girls do not go to school. Sophia is in Harrisburg at Aunt Dorchen’s and is sewing and Francis is the cook and does everything that has to be done. Berthe Schwarz has not been well for a few weeks, likewise Francis. They eat too many fruits, although I see to it that they don’t do it, but they usually don’t listen. They keep a messy, unfriendly house for Aunt, I do not go to them to their house very often because I do not eat there, since I eat and sleep at Guggenheimer’s. Mr. Guggenheimer and his wife ask me to send you their best regards. I received a letter from Hirsch, he is going to get married next month. He invited me to visit him. Uncle Joseph is a lazy writer as you know, he sends his best regards to you all, he will write shortly. Today Babett, Henry and three children were here for a visit. They send their best regards and will write soon. I am pleased that Samson became a Swiss citizen, because I did not think that he could have easily gotten used to the life here. How many spa visitors are in Imnau? There is a spa 17 hours from here where 2000 guests go to every year. There are no less than 12 spas in the area, bigger ones and smaller ones. If Americans come to Imnau, just ask them, dear Ernestine, if they know anything about the White Sulphur Spring that means “(White Sulphur spa), W. Virginia. Dear mother, I take your advice and drink lemonade regularly. I don’t know much to write about this time. Write an answer soon, best regards to all from your son and brother Isaac Schweitzer Dear Louisa, tell Feigenheimer that he should write to me. Best regards to dear Berthe, Isak, and all other relatives as well as customers. What are Joseph and Philipp doing? Where did Hertkorn move to? Where is Jacob [?] Eppstein + when is he going to return to America?

Original text