Collection: Schweitzer-Guggenheimer Letter Collection


Sophie Schweitzer

Salomon Schweitzer


Hirsch Schweitzer

Kusel Schweitzer

Description: Schweitzer family letter, August 9, 1860.

Schweitzer family letter, August 9, 1860

English Text

Harrisburg, August 9th 1860 Dearest father and brother: Your last letter reached me correctly. Thank God we can see that you are all healthy, thank God we can report the same. We only have really warm weather, much warmer than it was during the last 6 years. It is always so dry, a serious lack of rain, the harvest was very well here, everything is again all [illegible]. The crops turned out favorably thank God. To reassure you, dear father, this time we want to write in advance and warmly congratulate you for the New Year. The good Lord should keep you in good health and may you enjoy many happy days. Herewith we are sending a remittance from my mother-in-law to her brother El[…?] to your attention. 100f will be paid to you of which you can keep 20f for yourself. The remittance is issued on 110f give 5f [illegible] to aunt Jettel and 5f to Bunle. I hope that you will get it after יום טובים [the Jewish holidays], please write me about it so that we can pay my mother-in-law retrospectively. There is little other news, we will get a newly elected president this fall. About politics is always much talk since everybody can speak his mind. There are many parties which are fighting, [but] as soon as the election is over you do not hear a word of it any longer, everybody who resides here for 5 years has the right to vote and is called a citisin [sic] or citizen. In terms of business this summer was quite good for me. For a month I was with my family in Sunbury to visit Joseph. Within 2 hours you are there by rail. Wherever you want to go you can go from here by train. It is the biggest railroad station in all of Pennsylvania. All day long there is coming and going to all the States in America. I want to apologize that I don't write more. I want to leave enough room for my wife, my children are thank God all well and growing, they attend school diligently. Many greetings from your faithful son and brother. S. Schweitzer. Best regards to Aunt Jettel and Bunele and to all the Schweizers. If Bunle intends to send a daughter to us we would take care of her as friends would do. A girl would be better. She could find her own way better than in Germany and would also earn more. I don't want to press anybody, since I don't know if any one of them would like it here. [illegible, probably signature] [Note on left side] Bunle should also write how she is doing. - - - Dear father-in-law, as well as brother-in-law and sister-in-law. I cannot refrain from adding my greetings and give you the news of our well-being and hope the same of you. It is very pleasant for us to hear from you dear father-in-law that you have always been in good health. At your age it is a special grace of our dear Lord. Our dear David is doing [illegible] quite well and gives us much pleasure. God should only keep him healthy for me. There is not much other news from us and it has no value here to write of strangers. Since I see that my dear husband will not write until the New Year I will just add my sincere wish that the dear Almighty will keep you healthy for many years and give you undisturbed health. Dear brother-in-law and sister-in-law, I wish that you remain healthy along with your children and experience a lot of joy in your children. Does [illegible] Gitel come to you often? Give her my best regards. I will be delighted if only she were healthy. She should also write a note through [illegible]'s children how she is doing and who is with her. We would like to hear all about her. Thank you very much and delight us again with a letter. Your dear daughter-in-law and sister-in-law Sophia Schweizer.

Original text