Collection: Schweitzer-Guggenheimer Letter Collection

Author: Isaac Schweitzer


Hirsch Schweitzer

Ernestine Schweitzer

Description: Letter from Isaac Schweitzer to the Schweitzer family, March 29, 1876.

Isaac Schweitzer to Schweitzer family, March 29, 1876

English Text

OFFICE OF SWEITZER, LAUER & GUGGENHEIMER Importers and jobbers of Fancy Groceries, Segars and Tobacco No. 50 German Street Baltimore, March 29, 1876 Dear good father and dear Ernstina: I have longingly awaited your dear [letter] from March 1 and thank God that you, dear father, are doing quite fine. I know very well that you are not as well as when our late mother were still at your side, but I know that for what the Almighty has determined, that you will only find comfort, dear father, as well as the dear sisters, by submitting to the will of the higher being for the loss that has caught all of us so swiftly. I can also only understand it through this source [of comfort]. I am very curious about what dear Samsohn has in mind to do. I would like to know his ideas [?]. As I noted in my previous [letter] I eagerly await for my partners to let me part. But I am already working on giving up the business. Until May 1st or June 1st I will be able to write more accurately. I think that one of them, [inserted] Lauer, is satisfied to give up the business, but he does not want to stay in business when I drop out. Guggenheimer is also not content to stay with Lauer. I told both that I want to leave. I can say with certainty that after one year – we started on November 15 - I will be able to leave. I had a letter from Louise and Julius, and I already replied. I will only respond to Bertha when I get your next [letter], so that I know what to write. Dear Ernstina, I do not doubt that you can still get somebody else if the Samsohn brothers have greater aspirations. But I think since dear aunt is in favor it will already carry weight or if you both have an affection for each other and I [end of page - rest missing]

Original text