Collection: Schweitzer-Guggenheimer Letter Collection

Author: Isaac Schweitzer


Hirsch Schweitzer

Marie “Malchen” Bernheimer (Schweitzer)

Louise Schweitzer (Durlacher)

Ernestine Schweitzer

Description: Letter from Isaac Schweitzer to his family in Germany, namely his parents Hirsch and Malchen Schweitzer and his sisters Ernestine and Louise, written in Philadelphia on September 18, 1867.

Isaac Schweitzer to Schweitzer family, September 18, 1867

English Text

Philada, Sept. 18/1867 Esteemed parents and dear sisters: I received your letter which you sent to Fincastle but I have not received the one that I redirected to here. But I cannot wait longer because רש הש [abbrev. Rosh Hashanah] approaches with hasty steps and I know how unpleasant it would be for you to be without a letter. I arrived here on September 13 with uncle from Lexington. We met on the road and since then we have been so busy with shopping; we have to run around the whole day and at night we are so tired that we can barely walk. Otherwise I would have written immediately upon my arrival. I bought a large stock of merchandise. In one store I bought goods for over $1000.00 as well as ladies articles for clothes. I already bought many finished garments as well but I am not done yet. You can imagine that it is a lot of work to buy that many things. In a few days I will write in more detail. During הש רש [Rosh Hashanah] I will be with Uncle Sal who has been living for 14 days now at No. 1210 North Third Street Philada, Pa. Thank God during our holidays that he led me across the sea and will bring me luck. If I am fortunate I will earn money [in an area] which would have been unthinkable in Germany. I do regret that I did not leave already 5 years ago. You should see how the people in Phila[delphia] beleaguer me to buy goods from me for/before [illegible]. I am already very well known here. I was able to pay off all my bills when I arrived here. I brought approximately Fl 4,000 with me. Now I hope that you, dear parents, will celebrate the New Year quite happily and be satisfied with the will of the Almighty. And if time could tell, as I wrote to you before, the one who sows with tears will reap in joy, I will also and have always prayed for your health and wellbeing and strength to bear anything [illegible]. I will visit Uncle Joseph in Hbg [Harrisburg] and will write from there about everything in detail. This letter is merely to reassure you since I have to go back again to the houses right away. I am glad to hear that the visit to Imnau was better than in previous years. I hope to do very good business this winter. I bought goods for about $6000. I will take Julius with me and keep Simon in the store since I cannot get ready with so many things without help. Send your response to Fincastle - I will leave again right after רש הש [Rosh Hashanah]. Greetings to my dear sisters and many best regards from your son and brother Isaac Sweitzer Give my regards to dear aunt in Haigerloch.

Original text