Collection: Ziegenhagen Family Letters

Author: Franziska Ziegenhagen (Mansolf)

Recipient: Franz Ziegenhagen

Description: Letter written by Franziska Mansolf, living in Stegers, West Prussia, to her father, Franz Ziegenhagen, then living in South Dakota. Enclosed with her letter was a second letter, written by her son Franz in December 1898 while he was visiting other relatives in Montana. Franziska was apparently concerned about her son's well-being and wanted her father to ensure he was all right. Apparently there was no serious problem, and Franz Mansolf returned to West Prussia to visit his mother and family in 1899

Franziska Mansolf to Franz Ziegenhagen, December 1, 1898

English Text

Neihart, Montana December 1, 1898 Dear brother, Just a few lines I want to write to you to let you know I visited Uncle Joseph, Aunt Antonia and their three children. We had our pictures taken so I wanted to send you four pictures. Two of me, one picture of your cousin [page 2:] Mary Mansolf, and a group picture of me and our three cousins, Mary, Minnie, and Herbert Mansolf. How is Angelika Myer, is she married yet? What is Albert Hoffman doing, is he married yet? And how are the Behlans doing? Are they all still quite healthy? Aunt Antonia, cousins Mary, Minnie and Herbert are going to Dakota next spring to visit our grandfather Ziegenhagen. [page 3:] I will also visit him before I go to Germany. Doing very well I close now and hope that my letter will reach you in best health. I wish to all a merry Christmas and also many happy greetings for the New Year from your brother Frank Mansolf. I also send lots of love to Father, Mother and Grandmother and also best regards to all acquaintances and relatives. [Page 4] Dear Father, I enclose my son Franz’s last letter and do give me an answer as quickly as possible because I can’t find peace of mind day or night. And also write to me of my only brother whether he is still alive and how he is doing as I haven’t heard from him in a couple of years, Now I must close and wish you much luck in the New Year, good health and long life, And many heartfelt greetings to Father, Mother, Brother, and Sister, and a cordial farewell from your daughter Franziska Please reply soon