Collection: Meyer Brothers Collection


Karl Meyer

Regina Mueller (Meyer)


Caroline Meyer

Heinrich Meyer

Emanuel Meyer

Description: Meyer family letter, May 13, 1869.

Meyer family letter, May 13, 1869

English Text

Aschaffenburg, May 13, 1869 My Dear Ones, Today, with the greatest joy, I received your so valued lines, dear Heinrich, forwarded by our dear parents. From these lines, I saw that all of you are well, which made me indescribably happy. Now I saw from your valued lines, dear Heinrich, that you all are expecting me soon, which has meanwhile changed, namely as follows. My decision has changed, since everyone is advising me not to move away from this life so impulsively, because it is a difficult task to get away from military life. When I think about that & base my thoughts on our dear parents, to separate them entirely from their sons, for our parents it was like Jacob said in the old story: I am a man who is robbed of all of his children. [page 2:] Also, I saw from your previous letter that business is not extremely good where you are, although I think better than in Germany. God Almighty will help. Now I saw from our dear parents’ letter that you have sent a present. The Infinitely Good One will make it up to you a thousand times. O, if I again had this luck/happiness of doing something for my dear parents and sisters [the effect of] which I see in their eyes. In addition, I want to tell you how I am now adjusting to military life. I am adjusting to military life better now. Because a person gets accustomed to this life better every day. It’s true that I have endured a lot during this time. God will help me get through this time & then things will be better again. We write each other every week & one must also be able to be content with that. God will help. Once one year is over, I will have overcome the hardest part. [page 3:] Now I want to reject that & start something different. If only God Almighty would help so that our dear sisters are provided for, I would gladly overcome everything & endure all bitter hours. If only what you, dear brothers, have announced about our dear Karolina will be fulfilled soon. I don’t know of any news that could interest you. Our sister will tell you about what follows below. Now, I am going to stop with the pen, but not in my hear. I greet and kiss you dear Emanuel & family, dear Karolina, and dear Heinrich thousands and thousands of times. Karl Mayer Hoping for an answer soon. If you want to write to me, you know my address. Excuse my bad writing. [page 4:] [25 lines of Yiddish] that you so [illegible] dear children [ambiguous word] are gathered together. The good Lord shall only keep them healthy ... that I still have many joys concerning you and your dear children to experience if it is God’s will, which I pray for every day. Now dear Heinrich I must let you know that we have received a [thousand] [illegible] and that makes us very happy that I see [one] that you always give us [ambiguous word]. Then the good Lord will give much fortune for that, for what children do for their parents does not remain unrewarded. Dear children the good Lord should keep you all healthy and give you much fortune. Dear Karolina, your delightful letter came to my hands with much joy and from it I gather you are well, which you can also be assured of us. Dear child, you write that you will write a happy [illegible] which I pray for daily that it only be God’s will that this wish come to fruition. Dear children, now I must let you know that we have had [illegible] very good [illegible] [chicken?]. We only wish you could [ambiguous verb] [try it?]. [Then,] Dear children, they would have only tasted better. Dear children, now I have nothing more to [ambiguous verb] further. I will close with my writing but not in my heart and [verb missing] you all a thousand times, you dear Meir and your wife [illegible] and dear children and you dear Heinrich and you dear Karolina. This is your mother writing. For always, Regina Meyer for your rapid response.