Collection: Meyer Brothers Collection


Karl Meyer

Babette Meyer

Regina Mueller (Meyer)


Caroline Meyer

Emanuel Meyer

Heinrich Meyer

Description: Meyer family letter, August 24, 1867.

Meyer family letter, August 24, 1867

English Text

Lachen, August 24, 1867 My dear ones! With pleasure, I take pen in hand to tell you, my most treasured ones, about our well-being, which I hope will also prevail in your midst. My dear ones, we received your valued letter of July 20th and saw from it that things are going similarly well, which made us indescribably happy. I will start my letter by answering brother Heinrich’s letter: the content of this letter made us terribly happy, most treasured brother, namely where you took pleasure in visiting brother Emanuel & family and that they are all well and in good spirits, thank God, and our little nephew is so cheerful and light-hearted. So it would be very desirable for us to spend just a little time with him and with you all. Now, dear Heinrich, you are curious whether Abraham has gone back to Germany. I can confirm that the answer is “no.” He writes that things are now going rather well for him and he is now pleased. He is in a business of Mr. Meh [hole] where he is earning 25-30 dollars a week, and nothing happened with Augu[st] either. Abrah[am] Meyer wrote him that this business was no longer doing that well. I don't know of any other news to write you, dear Heinrich, except that I have never experienced a summer that was as bad as this one during the time I’ve been working ———— [page 2:] Now, my dear ones, I want to tell you that I already see myself in your dear midst and often think to myself, you are a completely different person when you introduce [imagine] an American like that, but then again I have to think back: one more wish today [...] you will have to undergo, which I do not renounce, if I just get work and earnings. Now, dear Emanual’s family, since I wrote to you a few weeks ago, my most treasured one, it is impossible for me to tell you much news today. Business is going very badly here with us, and everything is very expensive. One pound of meat costs 16-17 Fr & that’s how it is with everything. Dear sister Carolina, to you also I have quite a few words to say. Yesterday was the Lachen parish fair, dear sister. If you had been there, then we, too, could have danced a schottische, which would have made me very happy, since we danced once more with each other. Now, my dears, I am going to stop with the pen, but not in my heart, and I wish you all a cordial farewell. I’ll put off the rest until the next time and the oral part: Your brother cordially greets and kisses all of you Karl Mayer Greet all relatives and those who ask about us. Excuse my poor writing. I write it as soon as I think it. The one who writes this is your Karl, as alway. [page 3:] To all my treasured siblings, I refer to brother Karl's letter and inform you all of my well-being. I hope the same of you. Now, all my dear ones, as I read in your earlier letter, you, dear Heinrich, had the pleasure of visiting [hole] and family, which made me and everyone else very happy as I [hole] [would be?] if I could have that pleasure myself. Also, [hole] we [are happy?] that we have such a cheerful nephew and [hole] [wish?] he could be among us for a time. Now, my dears, none of that can be, we have to be content with the photo [hole] and wish dear God will keep us healthy for many long years yet, and we can write each other from time to time. Now, my dears, I want to tell you that we had a parish fair on Sunday, where I wished that you all could be there, and we had visitors from [Klingen] Münster, who were Uncle Mayer, his two boys and also Leopold. Also, I am very puzzled that you, dear brother, write that August is coming to America, since he is still a child and that is a such big journey to undertake. Now, my dears, I don’t want to [oppose this] if Uncle wants to have him. Also, meat in Lachen was sold for 16 L. At that, everyone said that he is not thinking of anyone. my dears, because it is warm right now it is impossible for me to tell you much news. Now, my dear sister and brothers, excuse my bad handwriting since it was [hole] [written?] very quickly. Karl is going to Neustadt today and wants take the letter to the post office. I wish you farewell and you are cordially greeted and kissed by your sister Babetta Mayer All of you write very soon, and many [..?..] and many [..?..] greetings to little Heinrich and send us his picture soon. [left margin] Many cordial greetings to you all from our dear father, too. Unfortunately he can’t get out any better. He wishes he could see everyone once again. The one who wishes this is your father forever. Joseph Mayer [page 4:] Most valued Aunt and dear children, I, too, want to report that we received your so valued picture and were all so delighted. Also, I wish that I could personally hug all of you. We were also all amazed that you are so chubby [i.e., well-nourished] dear Aunt, we were also very delighted with your dear children. Also, in my opinion, they look a lot like sister Karolina. Our dear father was especially happy about all these pictures and also immediately said [hole] [?he wished he?] could see everyone again. Now, my dears, I don’t [hole] [know of] much news to write, but hope to hear a lot from you, my aunts.[..?..]. Now I am ending my note and greet you all many thousands of times [hole] [and re]main your ever-loving niece and cousin Babette Mayer [hole] [..?..] greetings to Abraham and family […?...] and everyone [hole] [ho]pefully they are all very well. Also many greetings to Aunt Elis and family [hole] [writes?] Babetta Mayer [21 lines of Yiddish] Dear children, I refer to the letter from Karl and Babette. I must inform you of my being in good health. I hope the same is with you, dear children. I was immensely glad that you, dear Heinrich, write that you were in Clinton […i/undon], with [torn edge] Manevel [Emmanuel] and have found him and his dear wife and dear Heinrich, of whom I speak of every day. If only I could see dear Heinrich one time, [torn edge] that it has been many years [torn edge] that the merciful God should only keep you in good health. That is always my wish, and I pray you day after day that this should be so for you, dear children, that on Sunday [illegible] there was [illegible due to torn edge] Karl slaughtered a cow for 100 Gulders [illegible] only to satisfy father the [three ambiguous words] and that [finds?] meat, so you can see what [illegible] earns, as you will remember what meat sells for in Lachen for one [block? slab?piece?]. Dear Karolina, your writing (letter) from your own hand gave me great pleasure and I see that, thank God, you are healthy and it always [page torn] that it is very hot where you are. It is so hot here in the month of August – it hasn’t been so hot for many years. I must also let you know that a [illegible] in Neustadt has been built, which is very beautiful. Nothing else is new that I can think of. I greet you all many times and hope that this letter reaches you as it leaves us. This is your mother who is writing. Always, Rekhina [Regina] Meyer. Many greetings to your [possibly an in-law] Hane [Hanna] and family. [right margin] [in pencil] Karl Meyer [2 lines of Yiddish] Many greetings to Uncle (Averleh?) [possibly Abraham] and family. Many greetings [to] Aunt Elise and her husband and family. I wish that you would write to us sometime. Rekhina Meyer