Collection: Meyer Brothers Collection

Author: Karl Meyer


Caroline Meyer

Emanuel Meyer

Heinrich Meyer

Description: Meyer family letter, April 21, 1867.

Meyer family letter, April 21, 1867

English Text

Lachen, April 21 / 67 My Dear Ones, 
It is with joy that I take pen in hand to give you news of our well-being, which hopefully will also prevail in your midst. We received your letters written in March from Ereh Kesag [apparently someone's name] and were tremendously pleased to get your surprising, unhoped-for present. Now, dear Emanuel, we saw from the lines you wrote that you and your family are happy and healthy, God be thanked, and your dear [little] Heinrich is already very clever and strong, which gave us all a great deal of pleasure. God Almighty will keep him healthy and His holy angel should protect him, so that his parents and we all can experience much joy to come from the dear one. Now, dear Heinrich, as I saw from the lines you wrote, you have your good old thoughts, by and by —. In addition, I saw that you [page 2:] are reminding us about not writing to our uncle in Paris. Dear Heinrich, you don’t need to think this, that we [neglected?] this. When you left Paris for America, we immediately wrote our dear uncle a letter thanking him for your good reception. After that, we wrote him a few weeks later that we wanted to send him tongues and sausages – he should write us about that – & haven’t received any answer to that. When your letter arrived, I wrote immediately and took the letter to the post office in Neustadt, so that it would not be missing. Now we are yearning for an answer every hour. In addition, to my regret, I did not see anything in either of your letters about my coming—. Which, however, is not arranged with nothing this time. Now, regarding news, I don’t know of any to write about, and just as little about business, since I’m not doing much. A pound of meat costs 15 Fr. & so it [page 3:] goes with everything, but I realize that it has to be better where you are, my dear ones. But God Almighty will help me come to you all soon, my dear ones, & then we 3 brothers will work together and be as helpful as possible to our dear parents and sister Babetta. Also if God Almighty is so disposed, then there will soon be something for sister Babetta, and if you will also be helpful to her—which I do not doubt. About sister Karolina, I can’t write anything more about this matter, because I realize that our dear sister wants to continue living in this way in order to make Tante Elise happy and give her good help with cooking and cleaning. Amen, at some point what we are always longing for will happen.— The Almighty will soon help our most precious sister Karolina, so that we can embrace each other once again. From the lines you wrote, I realized that you were a little unwell, but God Almighty has helped you again. [page 4:] Rely on Him. The Almighty Shepherd does not abandon his own. I don’t know of any news to write, except that Abraham Freundlich is going to arrive back in Germany in a few weeks. Now I want to cut this letter short since today is [“Gol-Hanned”?] and I want to go on a little walk. If I have offended any of you, please forgive me. Now you are greeted and kissed by your brother and, dear Em [Emanual] kiss your dear Heinrich for me and greet your wife for me. Many warm greetings to all friends and relatives who ask about us. I am, as always, you brother Karl Mayer. Many warm greetings from our dear father to you all. He wishes you an enjoyable Easter, good matza, and good meat. Your father, J. Mayer Did you actually build?