Collection: Meyer Brothers Collection


Karl Meyer

Babette Meyer


Caroline Meyer

Emanuel Meyer

Heinrich Meyer

Description: Meyer family letter, March 19, 1867.

Meyer family letter, March 19, 1867

English Text

Lachen, March 19, 1867 [Karl’s handwriting] My dears,
 With joy I take pen in hand to tell you about our well-being, which hopefully also prevails in your midst. Now, dear Heinrich, when I was in Jugenheim yesterday visiting Mr. Haas (he came with his wife and sister, who arrived in Jugenheim last week in good health and good spirits), Mr. Leon Haas handed me a present of 50 Fr. from you – which made me, our dear sister, and our dear parents very happy. Also [I] asked about all of you & Mr. Haas told me very many good things about all of you. He told me that you, dear Heinrich, are a solid young man and sister Carolina
is a very fine housekeeper at Aunt Elisa’s. — — — — Think, dear Karolina, about the [?shady side? = the downside], since this is not advantageous for you. [page 2:] I also heard from him that Emanuel & his family are in good health and that he is also doing rather well. Now, my dears, it would be desirable for me if Mr. Haas could have told our dear parents and dear sister about me so that I would also be with you, my dears. Now my dears, I don’t know of much news except that everything is very expensive where we are. Namely, meat in Neustadt went up again yesterday. One [symbol for weight?] now costs 15 Fr. Fruits and vegetables are very expensive. Spelt [costs] 6 Fr. per hundredweight and barley the same. Now, dear Henry, eight days ago we got a letter from Wallertheim. They received your letter and were enormously delighted with it. Also, they would have immediately written a reply when they received your letter, if you hadn’t stated in your valued letter that they should send you their photographs. [page 3:] [Babetta’s handwriting] My much-loved siblings, We received your valued letter of March 22 with great joy and also the one you sent with Mr. Haas. It would also have been our duty to answer your letters immediately, but despite our curiosity we couldn’t do it since you, dear Heinrich, told us in your letter that you wanted to send us a present, so I could hardly wait until brother Karl came home and we asked for the details. Now, Mr. Haas and his wife related a lot about you all and handed over 150 franks to brother Karl as a present, which made us indescribably happy. I can also tell you that I am going to buy myself a beautiful dress. Also, dear Heinrich, you had good thoughts that you didn’t send anything in the American mode, because one can’t wear gorgeous things here. Also, Mr. Haas and his wife promised to visit us, which will make us all really happy. So I can’t express enough the joy that I had, and I thank you, dear brother, many times for the present [we] received. [page 4:] Now, my dears, you cannot imagine
what pleasure our parents and G[randmother?] have when they are so surprised with a present from their children when they have been away from home for so long. Oh, if it were only the case that you could surprise us with a visit. Oh, how happy we would consider ourselves. Now, dear ones, I think if the Almighty could want this, such rays would shine upon us. Now, my dears, it would be our only wish if we could get a letter sometime and [could be] surprised that sister
Karoline is a bride, since she has now been in America for a rather long time. And I really believed that you, dear one, have good days, but that can’t give you any benefit for the future. Now what kind of business is Emanuel doing and what is his dear family doing? Hopefully, it is the case that you all get together often. Now I am ending my letter and wish that the letter finds you as it leaves, and may you be greeted and kissed by your sister. Also, additionally, many cordial greetings to all our relatives. The one who writes this is your sister Babetta Mayer Now write a lot soon [in left margin] Also, I forgot something important – namely, that it’s Tuesday today and Thursday is Purim, where I cordially invite all of you, my dears, to our Purim meal. But hopefully you will also know about that and [I] hope that you do not spurn our invitation. Once again be kissed by your sister Babetta Meyer