Collection: Meyer Brothers Collection

Author: Karl Meyer


Emanuel Meyer

Heinrich Meyer

Description: Letter from Karl Meyer to Emanuel Meyer and Heinrich Meyer, December 6, 1864.

Karl Meyer to Emanuel Meyer and Heinrich Meyer, December 6, 1864

English Text

Lachen, December 6, 1864 Dearest Brothers, 
First of all I want to give you the news about my happy arrival in Lachen. I [report?] that our family is well and in good spirits. You can easily imagine the joy that our family had with me. Our joy changed into great sadness [Leid-Muth] today when we received the letter from you and Heinrich in which you [withdrew?] promises – which I never expected of you. [...] you my [discretion? convenience? good opinion?] in your [singular] finest years of youth up described to each other up until a short time ago and how we conceived all [sorts of] ideas of, not to hope such thoughts. – – Above all, you [singular] ought to have thought of your sister Karolina in America, because before you two [page 2:] provided for her, I would really not have believed it of either of you both to […]. However, you moved sister Karolina far from you, because you think that far away is good for the [shoes? shoe sales?] I don’t need to mention anything at all about sister Babett because you have not thought at all about her, that she is older than you and H. Recently I heard that Beer from Billigheim is marrying a girl from Ingenheim [Ingelheim?] whose brothers sent her 5,000 fr. However, I see that you [two] are not offering anything for your sister. I really believe that you [singular] would have received the same [...] in 4 or 5 years. Now I am asking you brothers to provide for your sister, because after all it is also an honor for you two if [you] provide the same and the […] circumstances of our parents that one cannot give any daughter [anything] from it. I will offer everything in order to provide for sister [page 3:] Babette in a short time because I can’t see her running around this way [selling meat?]. So I ask you all to send 600 dollars soon for Babette however far away (please don’t believe it is for me). I don’t want to enjoy a single kreuzer from it, but instead I will make every effort to provide for myself and our dear parents, since they did not have as much as Gram [= Grandmère? = Grandma?]. Since you, dear H., asked about me at the end of your letter, I’ll do the same with my congratulations at the end, but I ask you again if it is possible to calculate back until our sister is provided for. I congratulate you warmly and wish you much luck in your project. Once again, don’t forget the above [...] and provide it soon, because it is a [dishonor?] for all of our relatives that the brothers have married and the sisters are running around so and get [page 4:] gray hair — — — —
 Dear Em [= Emanuel], the [...] also applies to you. As I hear, your family is well, which is always [...]. As you know, I was in Aschaffenburg for 10 months, but during this time did not receive a single line from you all, then soldiers or brothers or relatives in America had always received letters. So, dear Em: once again I ask you to send 600 dollars a 300 D for Babett since I know that this is not much in America & then I will soon provide for dear Babette. Now enough, or much too much, for today. Now I am ending the [...], but not in my heart. I greet you and kiss you all warmly many thousand times. Karl Mayr Something else to mention – probably you, dear Emanual, will be responsible for this [...] so that Heinrich [can] come to this big [? wedding?]. Excuse me if I have been so [...] [...] to one of you.