Collection: Meyer Brothers Collection


Karl Meyer

Regina Mueller (Meyer)

Heinrich Meyer

Caroline Meyer

Babette Meyer

Joseph Meyer

Recipient: Emanuel Meyer

Description: Letter from the Meyer family to Emanuel Meyer, February 9, 1859.

Meyer family letter, February 9, 1859

English Text

Lachen, February 9, 1859 Dear Son Mayer, 
It is with joy that I take pen in hand to write to you and let you know that we are all healthy, thank God, which will [most likely] also be the case with you and your dear uncles. Our joy was soon dimmed, however, when we saw in your letter that, alas, you were sick this summer. However, we were soon happy again when we saw in your letter that the Almighty has given you back your health, something we pray for every day. Dear son, you write me that you will soon be going to New Orleans and you want to send us your [Bottret = profit?], which we are awaiting every day with the greatest joy. You write that Uncle Daniel has sold out and that he is going away from Williamsport, but you don’t know where to. He has already written to Klingenmünster twice that he wants to come next summer and I think also, because he has sold out that he will come. You write us that your sister should come to America, but she does not yet have any [...?...]. However, if Uncle Daniel comes, then she will go with him. If he travels back to America, then she is firmly determined to travel with him and to put her arms around her dear brother with great joy. Dear son, I want to let you know that the oldest daughter of Aberle [Abraham], whose name is Sannchen went to American about two months ago. I believe that when you go to New Orleans you will be able to meet her. We also gave her three pairs of stockings to take along for you as a present. You will [have to be happy] with this little thing because the time was too short. [page 2:] Dear Son Maier, you write us that you want to know how old you are. On December 20, 1859, you will be 21 years old and so you are also coming into the class. At least we are pulling for you. You wrote us that we should send you the address of Josef Kirreweiler’s [son] Ferdinant. They never know where he is. He has written them that he is going to California. We don’t know anything else to write other than that business in Germany is very bad. You wrote us [asking] if we are still in touch with the Mayer in Kibe [Cuba?]. This winter we slaughtered alone, but now since the shortage is bad we are slaughtering together. Greetings from Joseph Mayer [different handwriting] Dear Brother, I have to write you that I am well. I hope that is the same with you. You write me about going to America. If it were that easy, I certainly wouldn’t have any second thoughts. You know, though, that it is a difficult journey. Write me what is best for me. You write that you have to shell out so much in America. We wanted to shell out exactly if we only knew why. Now we’re shelling out day after day and don’t know why, because business is very bad in Germany. I greet you many times, and your dear uncles and aunts and remain you eternally faithful sister. Karolina Mayer [different handwriting] Dear Brother Mayer, I want to let you know that we are well. I hope the same of you. I have to let you know when I sent you 3 pairs of socks which one you liked. If I should have the opportunity again, I’ll give you something. I greet you many times and remain you loyal sister and I greet my uncles and aunts and children. [page 3:] Dear Brother Mayer, 
I have to let you know that I am well. I hope the same is true of you. I also have to let you know that I am now still going to school at Leibfrind’s. And am thinking of going to Neustadt to learn English and French when I leave school. I’m finishing my note and greet you many thousands of times and remain your loyal brother. Karl Mayer [Yiddish] Dear son Meir, 
I must let you know of my good health. I hope that the same is with you. I thank God the Almighty [repeated: as the Almighty God] has granted health again to you. And I pray for that and [verb missing] yet many years of health. May it be that I experience much joy for your sake, [anything / as]1 you can give us a little already, [since] you have written us since your uncle / boy has requested a letter from me and I have written to him. But from his hand I do not see a similar one. It would do me much joy if you would ever write and jot a few lines by your own hand but I was certainly happy to get another letter from your hand, very dear child. You can imagine how I have counted the days and weeks, since we for so long haven’t had a single letter from you. I was therefore again quite delighted [when I saw a letter from your hand. You write of your [sister?] Karolina. You will imagine since/everything goes on that we at home[,] it is not easy for me. You will yet be able to imagine as you are away from home, dear child. You write that you are delivering meat. You are single but you know for sure everything that your father doesn’t know how to do.] I will close my writing not in my [illegible]. Your uncles and aunt greet you [I greet you and your uncles and aunts] and [I] remain your mother always, Regina Meyer. [page 4:] Dear Brother,
 I have to let you know that I am well, which [I hope] will also be the case with you. I also have to let you know that business with us is very bad. Dear brother, when you write again, don’t write anymore to any boys in Lachen because they’re not writing to you either. I don’t know anything else that’s new. I hope for answer from you soon. I greet you. Henry Mayer