Bertha Meyer to family, July 7, 1872

English Text

Dearest parents, dear sisters! Horkheim, July 7, 1872. I am in the possession of your two letters. I would have sent an answer to Sophie but I wanted to [get] the desired [HOLE] Today I [illegible] [HOLE] you to the enclosed [HOLE] fulfilled. I think, dear Luise, that the linen muslin will be quite delicate. Mina helped to choose it, it is as delicate or even more delicate than the previous [?] but it was yet less expensive, I bought it at Bonger’s [?]. They had no time to write a bill, the fine [fabric] costs 28g, the whole skirt is 16 cubits, the coarser one is 10 cubits and costs 16 g per cubit. You will need everything. Have it made for you like Stine’s, hers is very nice, a long train, a high flounce and a “Kufe” on top of it, the small laces at the top and bottom of the “Kufe,” a tulip shirt tail, then the broad laces, then the “Kufe” with the small [laces], likewise on the sleeve. At the lower bodice the better laces. I have not seen any embroideries here, everything is indeed done with lace. I [illegible] them at Heimb’s, they are cheaper than at Bär’s or others. What you do not need you can send it [HOLE ] again soon a veil is [HOLE] today we had [HOLE] [may]be she also gets [HOLE] will be finished together if the wedding [date] is not yet determined then there is no hurry with this. The petticoat also needs a train and the underskirt needs to be quite appropriately long. Mine has long Sch[illegible] at the bodice, you should also have that made for you, it would dress you well. I ordered mattresses and a bed. Do you prefer 2 pillows instead of 2 Heihfel ? Then you need to write. Hermann has arranged it, but that does not mean anything. We have [illegible] better fustian than previously. I would like to be at home when the things are made for Louise. Have them made beautifully so that it also fits for the city since Julius is so vain with clothes. A cousin of Julius, [illegible], was also in Heilbronn yesterday. He said that the wedding will take place in 2 weeks and he has already asked Mine to practice dancing. Sofie will also join, you [HOLE] still invite her on time [HOLE] Dear Isak is looking forward [HOLE] since he wants to [HOLE] bring to the wedding [HOLE] I sent best regards from him to you. He would have gladly accepted your invitation but he could not be [illegible] at the same time. Maybe next time. But they have not sold everything, it does not go that quickly any longer. How is your business doing? People already bring the third stage again. Dear mother’s saying stands the test again and again. Dear God has not many. Thank God if you can part with something, it will certainly be used well and will carry plenty of blessings. I have no doubts, in a city you can earn a lot with money. Dear Louise should not be so timid. Dear Ernstine must have had a lot of success in Kanstadt [Cannstatt], I heard it yesterday again through [illegible] [illegible][Doc]tor. Mine has another bill here [HOLE] as soon as I [HOLE] again I will smooth the way. [HOLE]fel says that he will come [HOLE] again to Karlsruhe. In any case you will have received a receipt. Dear mother, it is also my ardent wish to attend dear Louise’s wedding. Time will tell. You cannot determine it in advance. I am healthy, thank God, also the [illegible] of dear aunt. Did you receive a letter? She told me that it is quieter now and that Mine [illegible] Hermann is still the old rogue still single, he does not make it better for Mina, no need to mention anything about it. I will send an answer soon as well as the remaining laces. Jettele is still here, she sends her regards. Hanne [?] also said that you, dear Louise, would get a homemade beverage from her. You can send her a basket, maybe the other as well, perhaps it will be useful. Be very well and enjoy us soon with a good answer. In an [illegible] hurry your Berthe. Greetings from dear Isak. [p.4, right margin] On the piece of paper the price for laces is noted.

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