Schweitzer family letter, April 22, 1860

English Text

[address from last page] H. Js. Rothschild To be submitted to Isak Schweizer in Bretten. Mühringen, April 22, 1860 Dear Isak: Herewith we send you through Paulevi 2 new shirts and two pairs of stockings for the time being. Later we will send you more, even some sugar cake instead of the Easter eggs. Also some almonds [or coats] from grandfather’s large gift. From Samuel you should have received a letter including 3f. We expect an answer from you soon and thank you for it. Paulevi is going to be right, I did not get one [unclear what ‘one’ refers to] in the entire Black Forest. Everybody goes to America. We already got news again from Königsbach, all are well, and are doing fine again. We had our portraits painted, but they are not a good likeness of us. Once I come to visit you, I will bring it to you. Farewell in the meantime, I remain your father Hirsch Schweizer Many best regards to your master and his wife. [letter in Yiddish] My dear son Isak: Here are the shirts and two pair of stockings, as promised. I hope that you wear them in health and happiness and that you’ll now repay the happiness with a long letter. Rather than the Easter eggs, I’m sending you two parve flatbreads. Eat them in good health. You’ll have to be satisfied with them for the time being. We can always send the eggs later. Take care to be very hardworking and honest, and the good Lord will support you in everything and bring you success in your business. I wish you and Pauline perfect happiness. I always told her that she makes herself very useful and that I don’t look upon her unfavourably. She is still promising me servant girls. They are so rare that you have no choice. You’ll excuse me for writing so much today. Until we receive further letters from you, which will gladden the heart of your mother. [signed] Malchen Schweizer [in Latin characters] [letter in German] Dear Isak! [seal] the examination is over and Mr. School Superintendent did not want to know as much as we knew. The confirmees were not even allowed to do calculations on the black board and less likely alone, and did not have to read their essays. It was namely on the 20th of this month. Asriel [?] is again back to Stuttgart to continue learning. Best regards from Emiele, Pauline will tell you other news. I am closing with the hope for a little greeting from you, best regards from your sister Bertha Schweizer Warm regards from your sister Ernstina Sch. Dear brother! I can reassure you dear Isak that I was as good as Regina Wassermann during the examination which was held last Friday. However, I will follow your wishes and will still make an effort to learn more. All Mühringer send their regards, especially your sister Louise Schweizer.

Original text