Schweitzer family letter, September 25, 1874

English Text

Mühringen , Sept. 25/74 Dear Louise, dear Julius: I arrived here yesterday afternoon at 4:30 pm and found everybody doing fine. There was a good fasting here on Yom Kippur [Sept. 21, 1874]. In Kippenheim everybody gave me a lot of attention and they asked vividly for you dear Louise which dear Julius might have reported himself. They also want you and dear Augusta to come for a visit. Therefore I will write immediately! and tell you that you should not go to Kippenheim, as long as it is warm because the gnats are so terrible there that I even have not found worse ones in America. My face is all bitten + likewise my hands, so that one can hardly recognize me. It will soon be over, but yet I must ask you to follow my advice not to travel with dear Augusta during the half-holidays but rather to wait until the gnats are driven away by the cold. Dear Julius you should see me how I look like. Forehead, cheeks, and hands all bitten, I wish you happy holidays + joy + good business with best regards your Isaac Schweitzer My dear ones! Yesterday dear Isak came back safe and sound and told us many pleasant things about you, especially since he got a lot of attention and honor in Kippensenheim [sic]. We also have questions all the time, especially about dear Auguste, I also wish to see the dear child again. So you are not going to travel with the dear child as long as the gnats are attacking, you almost would not recognize dear Isak, but it will pass in a few days. Last night dear Isak from Heilbron was also here. He went to the market in Empfingen but did not buy anything. Dear mother and Ernestine are very busy and might not be able to write much. I wish you to keep joyous holidays and [I hope] to read something pleasant soon. I remain your father H. Schweitzer Best regards to dear Auguste in particular. [in Yiddish / Judeo- German] My Dears! I greet you in the greatest haste. I’m glad that your dear brother says that all is well with you. We had a good fast, too, and wished that the Good Lord might grant our prayers and desires to hear nothing but good tidings from each other and that you, dear Luise, and your dear child not go to Kippenheim. Isak was stung so badly by gnats there that I’m begging you again to be careful. Stay at home more traveling isn’t good for your health. Your husband should be trying to find entertainment for you and the child closer to home. I’d rather hear [that he’s done that] than the usual talk…[fold]…dear Berthe. Greetings from your mother [Signature in Latin characters] Malchen Schweizer [H. Schweitzer] My apologies, [just] one page, our Ernestine, there is much to do, she sends her best regards, she will write next time.

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