Schweitzer family letter, May 16, 1874

English Text

My dear ones! Mühringen, May 16, 1874 Today we received your letter. We were delighted to hear about all your well-being, we are also all well. [Illegible] of my letter is that it will be very pleasant for us if you are going to come to us with your dear child for the holidays. We are really looking forward to it. I only cannot agree to your traveling departure plan at 12 in the evening. [Traveling] with the dear child at night when it is very harsh and cold - that would be very foolish. Therefore you are going to depart with the first train in the morning, so that you arrive before 12 pm in Stuttgart and can at once continue traveling. This way you will arrive in Eyach at 4 pm. If you still have time, please write to us on which day you will come so we can arrange to pick you up. Dear Julius should accompany you either to Pforzheim or Mühlacker. Today we received a letter from dear Isak, he will leave soon. He probably also wrote to you. Dear Bertha will only come after the holidays, the child has a cough, so we prefer it if she comes later. Thus you will follow my advice. We expect an answer as soon as possible, many greetings, [we] were delighted, I remain your father H. Schweizer My dear ones! We rush - right after Sabbath - to let you know our well-being which we also learned about you from your letter. Dear father already revealed the reason for our letter today. It is really unwise to travel by night if it is possible to do it well on another way. The weather is despite the favorable season not so warm yet that it would be enjoyable. We thus advise you to depart in the morning with the first [train] in Karlsruhe in order to be in Eiach at 6 pm, and from there another road. We don’t know exactly about using the express train, but that does not mean much. This is so much better for the dear child, and even if it has not had enough sleep in the morning, a little crying does not hurt. We are all looking forward. Dear Bertha will come after Pentecost [Shavuot], that is much better, dear Karl is still so small. Dear Luise pleased us very much today, I will report everything further verbally. We expect you then on Wednesday at 4 pm in Eiach [Eyach] where I will have the pleasure to welcome the highly esteemed stranger together with Krämmer [?]. Please dress very warm for the journey, likewise the child. So we will leave it at that - otherwise we expect a response immediately if you do not agree with our advice. Be well and very best regards to everybody from your Ernestine who loves you To dear Julius: would it be possible for you to accompany the dear one during some part of the way? Good night E. [continued on page 4] If you still have time please bring along about 15 to 18 cubits of curtain fabric. Maybe you can buy oddments in a store somewhere or from a Bolack [=Polack=person of Polish descent]. Here it will be more expensive in any case you already know how it should be I looked at some [fabric] at the market we want to [illegible] it in the room ditto [page 3, in Yiddish / Judeo- German] My Dears, I’m moving upstairs and hope to pick you up very shortly. You can imagine that we’re looking forward to this as much as you are. Best wishes for your happiness from your mother [signature in Latin characters] Have a very pleasant journey [signed in German letters ] Malchen Schweizer

Original text