Collection: Weinhardt Family Letters


Johann P. Weinhardt

Philipp Weinhardt

Margarete Riebel (Weinhardt)

Recipient: John V. Weinhardt

Description: Letter to John V. Weinhardt from his parents, Margarete and Johann P. Weinhardt, and his brother, Philipp Weinhardt, August 16, 1927.

Weinhardt family letter, August 16, 1927

English Text

Dear Hans,

Got your letter with Uncle’s picture and the newspapers. Sorry for the delay in writing back to you. Your letter tells us that you are healthy, which is something I am always glad to hear. Dear Hans, your birthday is on September 13 and I wish you all the best. I pray that God will look after you until we see each other again. We will send you your birthday present later along with your Christmas presents. So let me know in your next letter what you need. If you need clothes, let me know your neck size. My dear Hans, I want you to know what I bought with the money you sent me. I had a mirror made for my wash basin, and am so happy to have it since it has been something I wanted for a long time. Every time I see it I will think of you for the rest of my life. You know my household is my main joy in life, especially when everything is nice and clean. We are all healthy and doing well, thank God. Things are pretty much as usual in the jail. We usually have 14-15 men. Philipp has been home for summer vacation for the last two months. He will start at the technical school in the fall. Marie was in Schabach for 8 days. Dear Hans, I need to warn you about Killian Fips. If he writes to you about money or going to America, ignore him. You know Fips is a slacker. He needs to work and save to get what he wants. He had to get married. He doesn’t own anything. So beware. His parents marriage is falling apart. Uncle is going his own way with a different Aunt. Sad situation, but Aunt Kilian got a bob hairdo. Dear Hans, give my best to Uncle and Aunt Grandmother. Glad to hear they are healthy. Uncle is looking old and gaunt in his picture.

Dear Hans, do you go to church sometimes? Don’r forget your faith and take holy communion. Now dear Hans, I wish you all the best andI love you.

Behave well, and be hard-working, and be good to Uncle and Aunt. Be well until we see each other again in 3 years. Write again soon. I think about you so much.

My Dear Hans,

We are always so glad to get good news from you. I am overjoyed to know that you are healthy, happy, and well. We got your newspapers, but nobody can read them. I think of you often. I am envious of you since you are seeing the world and learning about it.

Yesterday evening after 6PM, the German airplanes Bremen and Europa took off for a trip to your country. According to what I have heard so far, the Europa had an emergency landing in Bremen, but the Bremen continued its flight. Nothing is known of their current status. By the time you get this letter, you will know what happened to them.

For us, all is going as usual thank God. Lots of work and little pay. Philipp is with us for the time being. He will go to the technical school in Nürnberg on October 1. Did you get the photography price lists?

And now, all the best from your Father.

Dear Brother,

I hope you got the catalogs. I sent them a few weeks ago. At the moment, I am living in the lap of luxury. However, my wallet is mostly empty. If it were not for Father’s occasional generosity, things would be looking pretty bad. I’m sure you know how it is. Never ending. I’m takng a dance course: waltz, one-step, three-step, and the Charleston too! The waltzes are the hardest for me. The Charleston is not for everyone.

As you know, it’s summer vacation for me. I am active in the "Windshemia", and am second in command. This Sunday we will celebrate the 41st anniversary of Windshemia’s founding (1886- 1927). As #2, there is much work for me to do. Our second room has been converted into a printing and duplication office. No doubt something will go wrong.

By the time you get this letter, the Junker airplane "Bremen" will have landed in America. I’m glad that we Germans once again beat the French to it. It will be flying back too.

With all the best, your Brother Philipp