Collection: Weinhardt Family Letters


Marie Weinhardt

Johann P. Weinhardt

Margarete Riebel (Weinhardt)

Recipient: John V. Weinhardt

Description: Letter to John V. Weinhardt from his parents, Margarete and Johann P. Weinhardt, and his sister, Marie Weinhardt, May 10, 1927. The first section of the letter was written by his mother, the second section by his sister, and the last by his father.

Brief der Familie Weinhardt, 10. Mai 1927

English Text

Windsheim 10 May 1927 Dear Hans,

Thankfully received your dear letter and see that you are doing well which is my heartfelt wish for you. You really made us wait fairly long, or maybe you don’t have much time. I am often upset and think that I will not write him again for a long time, but I cannot bring myself to do it. As Uncle mentioned, you have a new suit but still need a good hat and stick. So get this, Papa still has an old derby hat which we will ship to you along with your old iron tracks that you used to trip over all the time. Then you will look very fine when you go out for a walk and all will notice you. Hans, you’re a real _____. You know we have often asked many questions in our letters, but you never answer them. Have you already eaten the ham? Was it tasty? And how much customs duties did you have to pay? How is your health, and what have you been up to? We are all healthy and doing well, thank God. You know how things are in Germany. One has to manage as best as one can. Philipp will start college this year. There is not much news here other than Uncle Kilian will have an operation. Pfundt Anna got married today.

Heartfelt best wishes from your Mother who loves you. How are Uncle and Aunt? Best regards to them.

Dear Hans,

How’s it going? Are you all well? The way Uncle writes, it sounds like he is being bossed by you and Tante, maybe over the ham? Figure out some way to get over here, cause I want to see you again. There is not going to be any wedding this year, Schosser tells me. He does not make enough money, but he hopes to next year. I wonder if this is going to happen.

Dear Hans,

I have something to ask of you. It seems that you have a talent for photography. Could you make one or two copies of the picture of me that I sent you last year? It’s not pressing, but don’t forget or put it off until next year. Not much news here. Herr Krasser has a son. The news from Schwabach is that Herr Göttler the goldsmith died, and goldsmith Wolf’s 16 year old son shot his younger brother while playing.

Write us very soon and don’t wait so long. For today, best wishes to you as well as Uncle and Aunt.

Your sister Marie

Our garden is really beautiful right now.

My Dear Hans,

Many thanks for the letter from you and Uncle. I am very pleased to know you are well. I am happy to hear that Uncle is recovering from his illness. I would so much like to surprise you with a visit. At the moment, there is a lady visiting here from the state of Indiana (the sister of merchant Kelschner.)

Here, things are going reasonably well, thank God. The main thing is that we have our health. If I win the state lottery jackpot, then Mother and I will come to visit.

Next time, I am going to send you newspapers again. If you plan to send us newpapers again, send German ones because we can’t read the English ones.

Philipp, H. Krasser, and Herr Büttner send their regards.

Please convey our best wishes to Uncle and Aunt. But especially, my best to you until we see each other again.

Your Father