Collection: Weinhardt Family Letters

Author: John V. Weinhardt


Johann P. Weinhardt

Margarete Riebel (Weinhardt)

Marie Weinhardt

Philipp Weinhardt

Description: Letter from John V. Weinhardt to his parents and siblings, Johann P. and Margarete Weinhardt and Marie Weinhardt and Philipp Weinhardt, July 16, 1925. In this letter John described his reaction to the news of his sister Johanna's death.

John V. Weinhardt an die Familie Weinhardt, 16. Juli 1925

English Text

Lafayette, 16 July 1925

Dear Parents and Siblings,

I received Papa’s sad news of Hanna’s death yesterday evening. When I saw the black border on the envelope, I knew that Hanna was no longer among the living. I have anticipated this for a long time, since you have often written that there was no hope; but the news still came as a shock. So it was our Lord’s will that I would not see Hanna again. I also now think that her death was a blessing.

Please write to me very soon and let me know how everything went. Why did you first write to me on July 2?

I have enclosed $5. Please use this to purchase a wreath with flowers, and in the middle of the wreath write something appropriate.  Then place the wreath on the grave on Hanna’s birthday. I can spare the money to contribute to the decoration of the grave, even though it is late.

I am doing well.  Uncle and Aunt send their condolences.