Collection: Weinhardt Family Letters

Author: Philipp Weinhardt

Recipient: John V. Weinhardt

Description: Letter from Philipp Weinhardt to his brother, John V. Weinhardt, May 24, 1925.

Philipp Weinhardt to John V. Weinhardt, May 24, 1925

English Text

Windsheim, 24 May 1925

Dear Hans,

We got your letter. You have probably received my photographs by now. I’ve been working at Schmotzer for over 4 weeks now, the last 3 weeks on the lathe. I think we will get paid next Saturday. I think I will get 20-30 Marks. An older worker named Gorrath has been there for 2 years and earns 60 Marks. We are running at full capacity right now.

In your letter you write that Uncle wants you to get American citizenship. I have to admit that I cannot see the importance of taking this step, but I advise you to think it over carefully. If you deem it to be advantageous, then you should go ahead. I doubt the advantages would be very big though. If you decide to return to Germany, your voting rights would probably be denied for a long time. Think about it.

Now I must close. Work starts tomorrow at 6 AM. It is nearly 9 PM now. With regards,