Collection: Weinhardt Family Letters


Johann P. Weinhardt

Margarete Riebel (Weinhardt)

Recipient: John V. Weinhardt

Description: Letter from Johann P. and Margarete Weinhardt to their son, John V. Weinhardt, April 28, 1925.

Johann P. Weinhardt und Margarete Weinhardt an John V. Weinhardt, 28. April 1925

English Text

Windsheim - April 28, 1925

My Dear Hans, John, Jean, Scha,

We were all happy to receive your last letter that we received on the 21st of this month. So glad to hear that you now have a job. Work hard and with good discipline, and things will go well for you. Starting a new job is always difficult. Things here are the same as always. Mother has recovered and is healthy again. Hanna is doing a bit better at the moment, but I don’t think she can be out of bed. She weighs only 72 pounds. Today is Philipp’s second day on the job. He says hello. He and Marie sent you a postcard last week from Nuremberg. You will likely have already received it by the time you get this letter. I have sent you newspapers on three occasions. Tomorrow or day after I will send you newspapers about the election. The presidential election took place last Sunday. Hindenburg won. Bavaria, Saxony, and Wurttemberg voted well. On the other side, Baden, Hesse, and the entire Rhine region voted for the left. I am enclosing a news clipping. There was a big rally for Hindenburg here yesterday at the town square. All the nationalist- oriented organizations took part. The rally march started at the train station, and proceeded to the town square with music, drums, and marching songs. Then the two singing clubs performed and then Professor Weinmann gave a speech from the town hall. Then they played the German National Anthem with all singing along and ended with the Dutch Prayer of Thanks. It seemed that all of Windsheim was there.

Dear Hans, you wrote that you want to send us something. Don’t do that right now. Save your money for yourself and start paying Uncle back for your overseas trip costs. Put any extra money in a bank savings account, so you have something to fall back on. If you get sick, you will need money since there is no health insurance in America. Things are going OK for us. We have gotten this far, and God willing, we will get some good with the bad in the future.

How are Uncle and Aunt? I hope you are all well. Give Uncle and Aunt our best, but especially I want you to know that your Father wishes you well. Philipp says hello - he will write soon. Wishing you happiness and blessings for your future.

Your Father

My dear good Hans,

We learned in your letter that you now have a job as a businessman and that you are doing well. This makes us happy. At least now you are earning some money, so you are no longer totally dependent on Uncle. Just take care of yourself and do not worry about us. Have you discussed with Uncle how you will repay him for your trip expenses? That will certainly take a long time to pay him back As time goes on, your circumstances will improve. I am so happy to hear that your employer likes having you. Everyone likes you. Just be very careful when dumping the water so nothing happens to you. We had another election on Sunday the 26th. Hindenburg won. Maybe things will get better for the civil servants over time so that life will no longer be so miserable. Philipp has been working at Schmotzer since the 27th.Otherwise, things are going well for us, thank God, except for Hanna who is not doing well. We have to remain calm. I need to let you know this so you will not be shocked if you should get bad news sometime. The doctors say she will not likely get better. It is tuberculosis. It could take a long time, or it could go very quickly. It is bad, but we cannot change it and must trust in God’s will. Do not worry about it, and do not mention it in your letters to her. She is always happy to get your letters. She keeps them all in a box. Eberhard is coming back Sunday. You will get a picture of me. We were going to have our picture taken on Sunday when we went to vote, but it was raining and the photographer did not have proper lighting. Now, your loving mother wishes you all the best. Be well and goodbye. I think of you often. Our garden is in beautiful bloom again. You would love it. Write again soon.