Collection: Weinhardt Family Letters

Author: Marie Weinhardt

Recipient: John V. Weinhardt

Description: Letter from Marie Weinhardt to her brother, John V. Weinhardt, April 14, 1925.

Marie Weinhardt an John V. Weinhardt, 14. April 1925

English Text

Nürnberg, April 14, 1924

My dear Hans,

Many thanks for your letter which I received earlier today. Schorsch and I were home over Easter. Fips1 was there too. I got back yesterday evening. Hanna is doing a bit better, but she lays down all day long. She weighs only 75 pounds.2 She is very emaciated. You know Hans, it is really hard for us to realize that recovery for Hanna is unthinkable, and for you it is even harder. Dear Hans, it is so bitter to lose a sibling. You must prepare yourself that Hanna will not be with us much longer. The doctor said that the only thing left to try was to extract some blood with a syringe, but with Hanna that would not work because she has very little blood left. Regarding my ears, you need not worry. Right now I am learning the [???] 3and if I can do it, then Schorsch will marry me. He is going to buy me a sewing machine for 300 marks.

On April 23 Fips leaves for the Alumneum4 in Regensburg to continue his education. He received a half scholarship. He made out very well. Heiner Schlee moved to Frankfurt. Once you left, he no longer wanted to stay home. Kilans Fips got married. Your friend Moser came back from America.

Dear Hans, I’m sorry to hear that your trip (to America) was such an ordeal. Take care of yourself, and be sure to see a doctor if you have any problems. You know, you can catch something quickly, but it is always hard to get rid of. Hopefully you have settled in by now. Uncle and Aunt are very kind to you. Be very good and work hard. Meier is probably going to give up his business, something I learned through sewing. Dear Hans, please write to me now and then. I will write often. Also, you know that you need to save your money. Write home often, dear. Kurli, Scholli, and Fritzel are doing well, and the Shamrock is on top of the world.

Right now the violets and daffodils are blooming here. Lilacs will bloom soon. That’s all for now. Send my best to Uncle and Aunt. If you should have a picture taken, send a copy home. Also dear Hans, I will keep you informed about Hanna’s condition. For today, I send you all my best,

Your sister Marie