Collection: Weinhardt Family Letters

Author: Philipp Weinhardt

Recipient: John V. Weinhardt

Description: Letter from Philipp Weinhardt to his brother, John V. Weinhardt, April 7, 1925.

Philipp Weinhardt to John V. Weinhardt, April 7, 1925

English Text

Windsheim, April 7 1925

Dear Hans,

Received your letter on March 31 - it took 19 days to get here. I arrived home yesterday (6 April, Monday) at 1 o’clock. Our closing ceremonies were very nice. The director (Oberstudiendirektor) gave me a great book entitled "Raisuli: Sultan der Berge" (Raisuli: Sultan of the Mountains). Raisuli was the leader of the insurgent Moroccans who rose up against Spain. We had our farewell party the evening of April 2. Four teachers were present. I will send you a copy of our graduation newspaper and photos. We partied until 2AM. Some of my friends and I went to the theater the next day, Friday. There was a fine bowling alley there, brand new with modern furnishings in the lobby area. Thought I was in some fine salon. That evening we got home at 3AM. Next day, Saturday, I was invited to Siegfried’s. That night we got to bed at 2AM. So, you might think we were behaving badly, but no one got drunk - just tipsy.

You wrote that you have no picture of Mother. I’m thinking you must have our family picture though. Next letter, I will send you another picture. I am getting myself photographed in Windsheim. I traveled home on the express train yesterday. Got here at 1 o’clock. Mr. Staedler gave me 100 marks. You write that you were sick. Hope you have gotten better by now. We have been having very nice, warm Spring weather for the past 8 days. Hanna is doing a bit better, but can’t go to Lower Bavaria (Niederbayern) since she is barely able to sit up. Send me another postcard of Lafayette and one or two English newspapers.

Schlees Heiner is no longer in Windsheim. He is in Frankfurt. I will get his address for you so you can write to him.

By the time you get this letter, I will no longer be in Windsheim, but in Regensburg at the Protestant Alumneum1, so as to visit the Oberrealschule2 there. This is the same school Father wanted to send you to when we lived in Rotthalmünster, before we moved to Ortenburg. School starts on April 23, so I will have to leave on the 21st or 22nd. Right after Easter, Father said I should go and have a look at the school so that I could make a decision. My Principal advised me to take this step. I had applied for a free spot, but only got half. Today, Father gave his consent. In total, I made three applications. One to the Alumneum itself, another to the county government in Regensburg, and yet another to the State Ministry for Education and Culture in Munich. I received no reply from the last two. From the Alumneum, I received a full scholarship. However, I am only a day student. This means I have to get an apartment off campus. But while on campus, I will be just like the rest of the students which means I will have to go to the Alumneum for morning prayer and may only return to the apartment after evening service. I will get breakfast in the Alumneum, and furthermore will be under the watchful care of the Institution.