Schweitzer family letter, August 7, 1866

English Text

Dearest parents, dear sisters! Horkheim, August 7, 1866. We received your letter that you sent a month ago which you have probably already learned from Mr. Volz. We hope that the soap is according to your wishes. We would have answered your letter long since, but I wanted to wait until I get a letter from dear Isak. Although that has not happened until today we do expect a letter daily. Dear father, regarding [me] returning home and dear Luise coming here, I will let you know what aunt says about it. She says that she cannot let me go and there is no advantage for dear Luise here and she does not yet need to think of America. The store [or business] transactions are not that large, I can handle them like usual. We have day laborers in the field. I said to dear aunt that I do not want to waste my time here. Then she said to me 'I will give you a wage so that your parents are pleased.' I also think it is better than at home. Dear father you write about advice. Don't flatter me so much, I do not have that many things to be your advisor. I believe that you like me. Dear mother you are right when you write that we take an interest in dear Isak, we yearn for a letter. Since I know that mail is shipped very irregularly I am reassured. A girl from Freudenthal went to America at the beginning of May and her parents only received letters and [news about] the safe arrival now. Dear mother, your worries regarding the Hessians were very unnecessary. They just come as friends and were only in Heilbronn. I can tell you that I have not seen any soldiers. They do not come here since Horkheim is a remote place. Hermann's guy had to leave again and if it is God's will we will save the money and there will be peace. Dear Louise, it pleases me when you do good businesses, but it surprises me that you think about America since your motto is One can also succeed in having happiness in Germany. Dear Ernestine, I need to vindicate myself before you. My question in my previous letter was not meant to be ambiguous, so I ask you honestly. That your mind and thinking is only with us is very flattering for us. Maybe other merchandise will find its way into this place. I thank you that you communicated news to me and I instruct you to always send these to me. The Horkheimers send best regards as well as the Mühringers. Samuel from Konigsbach was here recently, they are all quite well. Be well is the wish of your Berthe Schweitzer Please also let me know who has Marile's apartment. [Left margin, page 1] Get dear cousin [illegible] a birthday present from me. [Letter in Yiddish/Judeo-German] Dear Sister, Brother-In-Law and Dear Daughters, may your lives be long and happy, I regret that I can’t write a lot and answer your letter at this time because I also want to write sister Traynele today or [?] I have to hurry anxiously [?] just to write this now as well. I hope that everything is well with you. It is a good thing for us that the Almighty, thank God, continues to keep us all healthy and well, and in His mercy has made it possible for us to share a lot of pleasant news. Dear Berthe will tell you this, too she’s written it all down. [Along left margin, most of which I was unable to decipher] Dear Malche, send our sainted mother a…My Hermann has three more.

Original text