Schweitzer family letter, January 28, 1875

English Text

Mühringen, Jan. 28, 1875 My dear ones! An honest man's word is as good as his bond is my motto. According to my promise you shall already learn today that I found the dear parents thank God in good health and very pleased to see me in such a good state as well. I have to describe my journey today. Rather pleasant company took care of me where necessary and got my luggage to Mühringen. You can imagine how eager I am to know how you are doing. Dear Louise, you won’t let us wait for an answer. I hope that you are doing fine like at my departure, likewise the dear child and the rest of the family. Have you taken care of yourself enough since my departure, as I hope, so that we don’t have to worry about it here. I expect a detailed report in your next [letter]. The dear parents told me that you will receive a letter from them. Don’t you agree that it was high time that I packed my bags. I hardly anticipated how everybody rejoiced about my arrival. Adults and children, Jews and Christians are said to have missed me sorely. Dear father traveled immediately again yesterday so that I am already in charge of the business again. Dear Louise, we are going to send you useful things for the household. The dear parents wanted to wait until I was here again, otherwise they would have already sent them sooner. That the dear brother is going to sell his business can only be pleasant for us. Everything will turn out for the best, but if you can, dear Julius, ask the boy that you mentioned about Wertheimer because I forgot about it. Dear brother wrote something about a good match, but as long as he is not here himself it will be difficult to do something about it. But looking around a little could not hurt. He wrote that it was nothing serious with Sara H. I would like to hear about dear Auguste, isn’t she asking about the aunt. She shall be a good girl since dear father will soon delight her and you all with his visit. Did you get a letter from dear Berthe? Today we received a letter from Schanett and Abraham from Königsbach. They ask and appeal at the same time that we should take Lene to us for some time. The dear parents will describe [?] her. One can indeed use such a girl. She would have traveled with me to here but she was obviously just delayed, could not do anything about it. You will get to know when she is going to come. How is it going with Babette, is she going to stay? If not, are you going to look around occasionally? I am going to finish my letter now, I hope to read a lot of pleasant things from you soon, greet my acquaintances, especially your good friends Mr. Weil and Nathan the Wise. How is your business, is it still dull? Please also write if a deposit was paid for the pants for which Kramer [?] vouched. Dear Louise, are you going to respond to dear Jettele, I do not remember the address. Be very well, warm regards to everybody from your Ernstine Schweitzer. Dear Auguste should also write us a little bit. How is it, can you already drink a glass of wine, do you have a good appetite? Please keep yourself quite warm, don’t give anything about it. I won’t have anything to say to you, you have to find out yourself what serves you best. The dear little one should be well-behaved during the night. Write me a lot and in detail. I cannot write more from here today since I already had many visitors. But most young people [illegible] spoons they don’t know them [illegible], they do it [last part in italics unclear]. Special greetings to Babett, she should also write to me [p. 2, upper margin, upside down] who asks about me, I am vain. [p.3, upper margin, upside down] Special greetings to Babett, she should also write to me [in Yiddish/Judeo-German] My dear Luise, husband and children, may your lives be long and happy, Thank God that Ernestine has given such good reports about you and that we’ve also had the good fortune for her to be very glad to be home again. We talk about you at night, even [?] when talking business with Father. He’ll be getting to know Sophie very soon. We’re in urgent need of a general assistant [?]** for the business. Nu, I’ll have your lying-in presents ready very soon. We wanted to wait until Ernestine let us know what you needed. I hope that you’ll all find it tasty if the noodles aren’t so good––we made them in a hurry, thinking that you’d get them before Shabbes. Take good care of yourself, Luisa. If wine doesn’t agree with you, don’t drink it. Beer and milk are also nutritious. If you don’t have so much milk, give the child tea with breadcrusts. As Ernestine has already written so much, I’ll say goodbye. I hope to read good news from you soon, Your mother [Signature – Malchen Schweitzer -- in Latin characters] Don’t go out so early this week

Original text