Schweitzer family letter, March 9, 1873

English Text

Mühringen, March 9, 1873 My dear ones: Your letter which we got through Mrs. Bach turned into joy when we learned about all your wellbeing. I can also say the best about us, thank God. I am glad that I am recovered again and can go about my business again. Mrs. Schwarz is going to arrive in Carlsruhe these days. We also received a letter of dear Bertha recently. We have not bought a house until now, we will wait until there is another opportunity. It is a coincidence that our letters always intersect. We are not going to write much today. Keep a good Purim, we will also do the same. In the meantime many warm greetings, we were pleased, I remain your father H. Schweitzer If dear Julius visits us soon we would be very pleased. My dear ones ! Mrs. Schwarz just told us that she will depart tomorrow. Therefore, in a hurry, the assurance that we are all well. Thiza [? ] brought us your pleasant [news/letter?], she returned very happily. Friday night was a [illegible] we were cheerful, but the Doktors were not well, like usual. Ernstinele was not there, although she took comfort with the kitchen spoon, you will understand what I mean. It does not mean anything. The old [illegible] does not live for us. The sky will be blue again, otherwise there is nothing new today. We will also write to dear Bertha tomorrow, we also sent a letter to dear Isak last week and asked him to come soon to Germany. Gailingers had another letter today. Thank God everything arrived safely. I hope that you will spend Purim as happily as we wish. We are not going to bake pastries ourselves therefore be content and happy with a very few and possibly a raisin [?] bread with the chocolate, but leave it [illegible]. We cannot write more otherwise there is not enough space. Dear Luise delight us soon with an answer. As well as everybody let us hear from you. [I hope that you will have] good business, [this] wishes your Ernstine. [in Yiddish/Judeo-German] My Dear Luise, Julius and Family, may your lives be long and happy, Having just heard from Regina that Sarale is leaving tomorrow, we didn’t want you to feel anxious if she didn’t bring you a letter. Write back to us right away by mail—I won’t take it amiss. The people in upper Mühringen are quarreling and don’t consider those of us in the lower village. But God is so good that we don’t need them the Almighty, who has always been our helper, will certainly provide for us at this time, too [lit., at every time]. We were delighted to see in the letter that you sent with Sarale that everybody mentioned above is doing so well, thank God. May your parents have the pleasure of having only good news from you. We’d be happy to send you something, but not right away. We don’t know what’s going to happen on Passover we don’t have any old merchandise yet. Did your geese come out well? And how is the business? We need to visit each other. More than anything, we’re delighted that you visit more often than [the rest of] the relatives, so you can rest easy at home. Have a very good Purim and write back right away with lots of pleasant news, in accordance with the wishes of your mother [signed in German] Malchen Sch. I also got a letter from Berthe

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