Schweitzer family letter, December 18, 1872

English Text

Dear Louise and family: Mühringen, December 18, 1872. Last night our Ernstine finally arrived here safely, we could hardly wait since business is going strong now. Thank God we are well and we hope the same of you. Dear mother is busy with preparing geese, she cannot write today and sends her regards. We will try to ship the three livers by today. They weigh well over three pounds. Sell them as good as you can, you will also have received livers from Jettele. You can send the money together though. We are also sending some of the geese meat to you that you liked since it comes from home. We will send the other items that you had asked for later. [illegible] has not everything. Let's hear some pleasant news about you soon. Best regards from your father H. Schweitzer. Many greetings to Julius & mother. [Hebrew letters] [in Yiddish/Judeo-German] My warmest greetings and I hope this package reaches you safely. You’ll see that the big livers weren’t so awful [?]. I still have a lot to do, what with the boiling and salting. Write a reply as soon as you can. You mother wishes you long life. [Signature in Latin characters] [signed in German letters] Malchen Schweitzer Give my regards to dear Sofia. Greetings, your mother My dear ones! Last night I arrived safely at 9 pm in Mühringen and found the dear parents quite well, thank God. Dear mother was busy to make the goose meat kosher so that we have Metzel soup [soup made on butchering day in Southern Germany] today. We are so loyal to send you some. It would not have been possible to send the goose otherwise, though. You will get the main part of it, enjoy the meal! Dear Louise, the livers are nice, I think that a good price will be paid as [illegible] here where we sold them for Lois [? type of currency]. I hope that they will arrive safely. Maybe you can send Schillings instead. You have probably not received them yet but expected already. Send goods ahead but do it well, we don’t want to have it [sentence confusing] since they are also well paid in Stuttgart. I did not have time to write from Horkheim. We were very happy together. We went to the theater in Heilbronn. On Monday night I received a letter from Mr. Weil. It should have arrived on Sunday, there is no mail delivery in Horkheim on Sundays, though. I would have been very delighted to meet him in Stuttgart. Best regards why has [illegible] [illegible] [illegible]? Dear Louise, you can imagine that I can only write the bare necessities today. As soon as I am a little rested again I will follow up with a detailed letter about my travel adventures. How are you doing, I hope to learn only pleasant news. Has the business not improved yet? In advance best regards to everybody and take my thanks for all the attention. Special greetings to dear Julius and dear mother, Sophie should also write to us. Dear mother will not write today, she is very [illegible] and I hurry to get the livers on this train. Take care of them. Dear Louise we expect a letter from you soon. Be well is the desire of your Ernstine Schweitzer Dear Louise, we will take care of your other orders at a better time. Please let also Mr. Weil know. I did not forget – this order a [illegible] letter in [illegible] I wish a good reception. Greetings to all acquaintances especially the honored friends of the house

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