Migrant Connections

“German Heritage in Letters” Shared at Digital History Conference

Washington, D.C., October 10, 2019

Washington, October 10, 2019

As part of the German Historical Institute’s fourth annual digital history conference, “Digital Hermeneutics: From Research to Dissemination,” Ursula Lehmkuhl, professor of history at the University of Trier and co-director of Transatlantische Korrespondenzen: Relationale Geschichte transatlantischer Mobilitäts- und Wissensräume (the overarching research initiative of which German Heritage in Letters is a part) and project manager Atiba Pertilla joined a roundtable discussion on “Mobile Lives — Digital Approaches to a World in Motion” alongside Rosalind Beiler and Amy Larner Giroux of the project “People, Religion, Information Networks, and Travel: The Dynamics of Migration in the Early Modern World,” based at the University of Central Florida, and Katherine Faull and Diane Jakacki, of the project “Moravian Lives: Tracing the Movements and History of Members of the Moravian Church (1750-2012),” located at Bucknell University.

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