o:id 19488 o:resource_template Image Contribution o:resource_class dctype:Image o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Photograph of Hermann Raster Fotografie von Hermann Raster dcterms:description Photograph of Hermann Raster (1882) Fotografie von Hermann Raster (1882) dcterms:contributor 11606 dcterms:date 1882 dcterms:type photograph Fotografie dcterms:source 13600 -- o:id 788 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Charles Haase dcterms:abstract Immigrant from Anhalt to Richmond, Virginia. -- o:id 786 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Leopold Haase dcterms:abstract A fur trader, born in Anhalt, who moved to Reval, Russia (now Tallinn, Estonia); correspondent with his cousin Charles Haase, who emigrated from Anhalt to Richmond, Virginia. -- o:id 568 o:resource_template Image Contribution o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Ellis Kaufman advertisement dcterms:creator Ellis Kaufman dcterms:description Advertisement for the dry goods store of Ellis Kaufman dcterms:contributor 589 dcterms:date 1875-10-09 dcterms:type advertisement dcterms:format newspaper advertisement dcterms:spatial Baltimore -- o:id 560 o:resource_template Image Contribution o:resource_class dctype:Image o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Emmel family home in Wiesbaden dcterms:description Photograph of the Emmel family home in Wiesbaden. dcterms:type photograph dcterms:source 13592 dcterms:coverage Home of the Emmel family on a street in Wiesbaden. dcterms:spatial Wiesbaden, Hesse -- o:id 315 o:resource_template Image Contribution o:resource_class dctype:Image o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Weinhardt family portrait, 1924 dcterms:contributor 312 311 310 309 dcterms:date 1924 -- o:id 314 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title William W. Weinhardt dcterms:relation 13597 dcterms:abstract Descendant of Weinhardt family members who had immigrated to Indiana from Bavaria; sponsor of John Weinhardt's immigration to Indiana. Nachkomme von Mitgliedern der Familie Weinhardt, die aus Bayern nach Indiana eingewandert waren; Förderer der Einwanderung von John Weinhardt nach Indiana. foaf:knows 251 foaf:member 313 --