o:id 20161 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kuehbauch@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Ferdinand and Mary Buck to Anna and John Dreyer, October 5, 1860 Ferdinand und Mary Buck an Anna und John Dreyer, 5. Oktober 1860 dcterms:creator 20297 20296 dcterms:description Letter from Ferdinand and Mary Buck to Anna and John Dreyer, October 5, 1860. Brief von Ferdinand und Mary Buck an Anna und John Dreyer, 5. Oktober 1860. dcterms:publisher Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley dcterms:date 1860-10-05 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:source Earle E. Williams Collection of California German Immigrant Letters dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Salmon River, California Salmon River, Kalifornien dcterms:audience 20272 20271 dcterms:extent 4 dcterms:isPartOf 20007 dcterms:spatial United States Vereinigte Staaten bibo:editor Clara Willmann foaf:based_near San Francisco, California San Francisco, Kalifornien foaf:topic 1860-1869 -- o:id 20297 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner kuehbauch@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Mary Buck dcterms:relation 20007 foaf:member 20193 -- o:id 20296 o:resource_template Biography Template o:resource_class dcterms:Agent o:owner kuehbauch@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Ferdinand Buck dcterms:relation 20007 foaf:member 20193 -- o:id 21275 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kuehbauch@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Theodor Hilgard to Maria Dorothea Hilgard, September 7, 1838 Theodor Hilgard an Maria Dorothea Hilgard, 7. September 1838 dcterms:creator 111 dcterms:description Letter from Theodor Hilgard to his mother Maria Dorothea Hilgard, September 7, 1838. Brief von Theodor Hilgard an seine Mutter Maria Dorothea Hilgard, 7. September 1838. dcterms:publisher Illinois History and Lincoln Collections, University of Illinois dcterms:date 1838-09-07 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:format handwritten copy dcterms:source Hilgard Family Papers dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois dcterms:audience 238 dcterms:isPartOf 246 dcterms:spatial United States Vereinigte Staaten foaf:based_near St. Johann, Rhineland-Palatinate -- o:id 12868 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Franziska Mansolf to Franz Ziegenhagen, December 1, 1898 Franziska Mansolf an Franz Ziegenhagen, 1. Dezember 1898 dcterms:creator 19582 dcterms:description Letter written by Franziska Mansolf, living in Stegers, West Prussia, to her father, Franz Ziegenhagen, then living in South Dakota. Enclosed with her letter was a second letter, written by her son Franz in December 1898 while he was visiting other relatives in Montana. Franziska was apparently concerned about her son's well-being and wanted her father to ensure he was all right. Apparently there was no serious problem, and Franz Mansolf returned to West Prussia to visit his mother and family in 1899 Brief von Franziska Mansolf, wohnhaft in Stegers, Westpreußen, an ihren Vater Franz Ziegenhagen, damals in South Dakota wohnhaft. Ihrem Brief war ein zweiter Brief beigefügt, den ihr Sohn Franz im Dezember 1898 schrieb, als er andere Verwandte in Montana besuchte. Franziska war offenbar um das Wohl ihres Sohnes besorgt und wollte, dass ihr Vater dafür sorgt, dass es ihm gut geht. Anscheinend gab es kein ernsthaftes Problem, und Franz Mansolf kehrte 1899 nach Westpreußen zurück, um seine Mutter und Familie zu besuchen. dcterms:publisher Ziegenhagen collection dcterms:date 1898-12-01 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:source Mansolf family letters dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Stegers, Kreis Schlochau, West Prussia (now Rzeczenica, Człuchów County, Poland) Stegers, Kreis Schlochau, Westpreussen (heute Rzeczenica, Powiat Człuchowski, Polen) dcterms:audience 19583 dcterms:extent 4 dcterms:isPartOf 13609 dcterms:spatial Poland Polen foaf:based_near Kidder Township, Day County, South Dakota Kidder Township, Day County, South Dakota foaf:topic 1890-1899 -- o:id 738 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Clara Haase to Helene Mueller, January 5, 1922 Clara Haase an Helene Müller, 5. Januar 1922 dcterms:creator 862 dcterms:description Brief von Clara Haase an Helene Müller, 5. Januar 1922. Letter from Clara Haase to Helene Mueller, January 5, 1922 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1922-01-05 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Stuttgart, Germany Stuttgart, Deutschland dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 863 bibo:editor Mary Geschwind bibo:translator Mary Geschwind foaf:based_near Richmond, Va. -- o:id 6056 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner tissen@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Caroline Emmel and Johanna Emmel to Karl Emmel, March 16, 1926 Caroline Emmel und Johanna Emmel an Karl Emmel, 16. März 1926 dcterms:creator Johanna Emmel 557 dcterms:description Brief von Caroline und Johanna Emmel an ihren Sohn/Bruder, Karl Emmel, 16. März 1926. Letter from Caroline and Johanna Emmel to their son/brother, Karl Emmel, March 16, 1926. dcterms:publisher Emmel family collection dcterms:date 1926-03-16 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:source Emmel Family Letters dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Wiesbaden, Hessen-Nassau dcterms:audience 19433 dcterms:extent 6 dcterms:isPartOf 13592 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:based_near Green Bay, Wisconsin foaf:topic 1920-1929 -- o:id 21278 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner kuehbauch@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Theodor Hilgard to Maria Dorothea Hilgard, November 3, 1838 Theodor Hilgard an Maria Dorothea Hilgard, 3. November 1838 dcterms:creator 111 dcterms:description Letter from Theodor Hilgard to his mother Maria Dorothea Hilgard, November 3, 1838. Brief von Theodor Hilgard an seine Mutter Maria Dorothea Hilgard. 3. November 1838. dcterms:publisher Illinois History and Lincoln Collections, University of Illinois dcterms:date 1838-11-03 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:format handwritten copy dcterms:source Hilgard Family Papers dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois dcterms:audience 238 dcterms:isPartOf 246 dcterms:spatial United States Vereinigte Staaten foaf:based_near St. Johann, Rhineland-Palatinate -- o:id 11246 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner tissen@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Hermann Raster an Sophie Raster, 4. Oktober 1871 Hermann Raster to Sophie Raster, October 4, 1871 dcterms:creator 11606 dcterms:description Brief von Hermann Raster an seine Schwester Sophie Raster, 4. Oktober 1871. Letter from Hermann Raster to his sister, Sophie Raster, October 4, 1871. dcterms:publisher Newberry Library dcterms:date 1871-10-04 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:source Hermann Raster Papers dcterms:language deutsch German dcterms:coverage Chicago, Illinois Chicago, Illinois dcterms:audience 19430 dcterms:extent 4 dcterms:isPartOf 13600 dcterms:spatial United States foaf:topic 1870-1879 English available transcribed -- o:id 5843 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Marie Taylor to Lina Hansen, September 28, 1874 Marie Taylor an Lina Hansen, 28. September 1874 dcterms:creator 11604 dcterms:description Letter from Marie Taylor to Lina Hansen, September 28, 1874. dcterms:date 1874-09-28 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Cedarcroft, Chester County, Pennsylvania dcterms:audience 11603 dcterms:extent 2 dcterms:isPartOf 13586 dcterms:spatial United States foaf:topic 1870-1879 transcribed -- o:id 1276 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Henry R. Haase to Minnie G. Osterbind, May 26, 1900 Henry R. Haase an Minnie G. Osterbind, 26. Mai 1900 dcterms:creator 21359 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1900-05-26 dcterms:type postcard Postkarte dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language English englisch dcterms:coverage Oberammergau, Bavaria Oberammergau, Bayern dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21360 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Oberammergau, Bavaria Germany Deutschland Oberammergau, Bayern foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic English available transcribed oc:cc Henry R. Haase -- o:id 674 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner pertilla@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Leopold Unger to Charles Haase, May 11, 1894 Leopold Unger an Charles Haase, 11. Mai 1894 dcterms:creator 21366 dcterms:description A letter from Leopold Unger, a cousin of Charles Haase, who lived in the town of Dessau with his family and was also active in the fur trade. Charles Haase's brother Wilhelm evidently lived with the Unger family. Ein Brief von Leopold Unger, einem Cousin von Charles Haase, der mit seiner Familie in Dessau lebte und ebenfalls im Pelzhandel tätig war. Der Bruder von Charles Haase, Wilhelm, lebte offenbar bei der Familie Unger. dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1894-05-11 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Dessau dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21362 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland bibo:translator Mary Geschwind foaf:based_near Richmond -- o:id 5883 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Marie Taylor to Lina Hansen, March 26, 1875 Marie Taylor an Lina Hansen, 26. März 1875 dcterms:creator 11604 dcterms:description Letter from Marie Taylor to Lina Hansen, March 26, 1875. dcterms:date 1875-03-26 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage New York, New York dcterms:audience 11603 dcterms:extent 4 dcterms:isPartOf 13586 dcterms:spatial United States foaf:topic 1870-1879 transcribed -- o:id 1342 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Clara Haase to Helene Mueller, January 5, 1922 Clara Haase an Helene Mueller, 5. Januar 1922 dcterms:creator 21355 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1922-01-05 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Stuttgart, Germany Stuttgart, Deutschland dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21356 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic 1920-1929 English available transcribed -- o:id 1339 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Richard Haase to William Haase, May 11, 1908 [?] Richard Haase an William Haase, 11. Mai 1908 [?] dcterms:creator 21357 dcterms:description Postcard from Richard Haase to his cousin William Haase, sent May 11, probably in the year 1908. Postkarte von Richard Haase an seinen Cousin William Haase, gesendet am 11. Mai, wahrscheinlich im Jahr 1908. dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1908(?)-05-11 1908(?)-05-11 1908-05-11 dcterms:type postcard Postkarte dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language English englisch dcterms:coverage Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21358 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic 1900-1909 English available transcribed -- o:id 1338 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Richard Haase to William Haase, January 30, 1908 Richard Haase an William Haase, 30. Januar 1908 dcterms:creator 21357 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1908-01-30 dcterms:type postcard Postkarte dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language English englisch dcterms:coverage Paris dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21358 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial France Frankreich foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic 1900-1909 English available transcribed -- o:id 1337 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Leopold Haase to William Haase, December 19, 1906 Leopold Haase an William Haase, 19. Dezember 1906 dcterms:creator 19443 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1906-12-19 dcterms:type postcard Postkarte dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Hettstedt, Saxony-Anhalt Hettstedt, Sachsen-Anhalt dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21358 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic 1900-1909 English available transcribed -- o:id 1336 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Leopold Haase to Charles Haase, October 17, 1906 Leopold Haase an Charles Haase, 17. Oktober 1906 dcterms:creator 19442 dcterms:description Letter from Leopold Haase, a fur trader in Reval, Russia (now Tallinn, Estonia), to his cousin Charles Haase, a furrier living in Richmond, Virginia, written in fall 1906. The letter was written on October 4 according to the Julian calendar in use in Reval, but on October 17 according to the Gregorian calendar in use in the United States. Brief von Leopold Haase, einem Pelzhändler in Reval, Russland (heute Tallinn, Estland), an seinen Cousin Charles Haase, einen in Richmond, Virginia, lebenden Kürschner, geschrieben im Herbst 1906. Der Brief wurde am 4. Oktober nach dem in Reval verwendeten julianischen Kalender, aber am 17. Oktober nach dem in den Vereinigten Staaten verwendeten gregorianischen Kalender verfasst. dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1906-10-17 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Reval, Russia (now Tallinn, Estonia) Reval, Russland (jetzt Tallin, Estland) dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 788 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Estonia Estland foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic 1900-1909 English available transcribed -- o:id 1335 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Leopold Haase to Charles Haase, December 6, 1905 Leopold Haase an Charles Haase, 6. Dezember 1905 dcterms:creator 19442 dcterms:description These pages represent a fragment of a longer letter sent from Leopold Haase in Reval to his cousin Charles Haase in Richmond. Diese Seiten sind ein Fragment eines längeren Briefes von Leopold Haase in Reval an seinen Cousin Charles Haase in Richmond. dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1905-12-06 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Reval, Russia (now Tallinn, Estonia) Reval, Russland (jetzt Tallinn, Estland) dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21362 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Estonia Estland foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic 1900-1909 English available transcribed -- o:id 1312 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Leopold Haase to Charles Haase, October 28, 1905 Leopold Haase an Charles Haase, 28. Oktober 1905 dcterms:creator 19442 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1905-10-28 dcterms:type postcard Postkarte dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Reval, Russia (now Tallinn, Estonia) Reval, Russland (jetzt Tallinn, Estland) dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21362 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Estonia Estland foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic 1900-1909 English available transcribed -- o:id 1311 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Leopold Haase to Charles Haase, June 22, 1904 Leopold Haase an Charles Haase, 22. June 1904 dcterms:creator 19442 dcterms:description Letter from Leopold Haase, in Reval, to his cousin Charles Haase, in Richmond, Virginia. This letter was written on June 9 according to the Julian calendar and June 22 according to the Gregorian calendar, hence the double dates. Brief von Leopold Haase in Reval an seinen Cousin Charles Haase in Richmond, Virginia. Dieser Brief wurde am 9. Juni nach dem julianischen Kalender und am 22. Juni nach dem gregorianischen Kalender geschrieben, daher die doppelten Datumsangaben. dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1904-06-22 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Reval, Russia (now Tallinn, Estonia) Reval, Russland (jetzt Tallinn, Estland) dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21362 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Estonia Estland foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic English available transcribed -- o:id 1310 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Richard Haase to William Haase, May 22, 1903 Richard Haase an William Haase, 22. Mai 1903 dcterms:creator 21357 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1903-05-22 dcterms:type postcard Postkarte dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language English englisch dcterms:coverage Hettstedt, Saxony-Anhalt Hettstedt, Sachsen-Anhalt dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21358 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic English available untranscribed -- o:id 1309 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Leopold Haase [?] to Josephine Haase, April 17, 1903 Leopold Haase [?] an Josephine Haase, 17. April 1903 dcterms:creator 19442 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1903-04-17 dcterms:type postcard Postkarte dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Reval, Russia (now Tallinn, Estonia) Reval, Russland (jetzt Tallinn, Estland) dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21367 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Estonia Estland foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic 1900-1909 transcription under review -- o:id 1307 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Leopold Haase to Charles Haase, January 2, 1903 Leopold Haase an Charles Haase, 2. Januar 1903 dcterms:creator 19443 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1903-01-02 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Hettstedt, Saxony-Anhalt Hettstedt, Sachsen-Anhalt dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21362 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic English available transcription under review -- o:id 1306 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Leopold Haase to Fritz Haase, December 6, 1902 Leopold Haase an Fritz Haase, 6. Dezember 1902 dcterms:creator 19442 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1902-12-06 dcterms:type postcard Postkarte dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Reval, Russia ( now Tallinn, Estonia) Reval, Russland ( jetzt Tallinn, Estland) dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21361 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Estonia Estland foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic English available transcribed -- o:id 1305 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Leopold Haase to Charles Haase, November 9, 1902 Leopold Haase an Charles Haase, 9. November 1902 dcterms:creator 19442 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1902-11-09 dcterms:type postcard Postkarte dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Reval, Russia (now Tallinn, Estonia) Reval, Russland (jetzt Tallinn, Estland) dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21362 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Estonia Estland foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic English available transcribed -- o:id 1304 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Leopold Haase to Fritz Haase, September 13, 1902 Leopold Haase an Fritz Haase, 13. September 1902 dcterms:creator 19442 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1902-09-13 dcterms:type postcard Postkarte dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage St. Petersburg, Russia St. Petersburg, Russland dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21361 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Russia Russland foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic English available transcribed -- o:id 1303 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Leopold Haase to Charles Haase, June 7, 1902 Leopold Haase an Charles Haase, 7. June 1902 dcterms:creator 19442 786 dcterms:description Fragment of a letter from Leopold Haase of Reval, Russia to his cousin Charles Haase of Richmond, Virginia. The letter is dated according to both the Julian calendar used in the Russian empire (May 25) and the Gregorian calendar used in the United States (June 7). Fragment eines Briefes von Leopold Haase aus Reval, Russland, an seinen Cousin Charles Haase aus Richmond, Virginia. Der Brief ist sowohl nach dem im Russischen Reich verwendeten Julianischen Kalender (25. Mai) als auch nach dem in den Vereinigten Staaten verwendeten Gregorianischen Kalender (7. Juni) datiert. dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1902-06-07 1902-05-25 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Reval, Russia (now Tallinn, Estonia) Reval, Russland (jetzt Tallinn, Estland) dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 788 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Reval foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic English available transcribed -- o:id 1280 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Henry R. Haase to Minnie G. Osterbind, April 11, 1900 Henry R. Haase an Minnie G. Osterbind, 11. April 1900 dcterms:creator 21359 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1900-04-11 dcterms:type postcard Postkarte dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language English englisch dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21360 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial New York City foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic 1900-1909 English available transcribed oc:cc Henry R. Haase -- o:id 1279 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Henry R. Haase to Minnie G. Osterbind, May 5, 1900 Henry R. Haase an Minnie G. Osterbind, 5 Mai 1900 dcterms:creator 21359 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1900-05-05 dcterms:type postcard Postkarte dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language English englisch dcterms:coverage Leipzig dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21360 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Leipzig Germany Deutschland foaf:based_near Lynchburg, Va. foaf:topic English available oc:cc Henry R. Haase -- o:id 1278 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Henry R. Haase to Minnie G. Osterbind, May 9, 1900 Henry R. Haase an Minnie G. Osterbind, 9. Mai 1900 dcterms:creator 21359 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1900-05-09 dcterms:type postcard Postkarte dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language English englisch dcterms:coverage Berlin dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21360 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Berlin, Deutschland Berlin, Germany foaf:based_near Lynchburg, Va. foaf:topic English available -- o:id 1277 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Henry R. Haase to Minnie G. Osterbind, May 22, 1900 Henry R. Haase an Minnie G. Osterbind, 22. Mai 1900 dcterms:creator 21359 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1900-05-22 dcterms:type postcard Postkarte dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language English englisch dcterms:coverage Wartburg, Germany Wartburg, Deutschland dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21360 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic English available oc:cc Henry R. Haase -- o:id 1275 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Henry R. Haase to Minnie G. Osterbind, June 7, 1900 Henry R. Haase an Minnie G. Osterbind, 7. Juni 1900 dcterms:creator 21359 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1900-06-07 dcterms:type postcard Postkarte dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language English englisch dcterms:coverage Paris dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21360 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial France Frankreich foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic 1900-1909 English available transcribed oc:cc Henry R. Haase -- o:id 1274 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Henry R. Haase to Minnie G. Osterbind, June 13, 1900 Henry R. Haase an Minnie G. Osterbind, 13. Juni 1900 dcterms:creator 21359 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1900-06-13 dcterms:type postcard Postkarte dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language English englisch dcterms:coverage London, England dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21360 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial England foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic English available untranscribed oc:cc Henry R. Haase -- o:id 1272 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Hötte & Sons to Charles Haase, July 7, 1887 Hötte & Sons an Charles Haase, 7. Juli 1887 dcterms:creator 21363 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1887-07-07 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Leipzig dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21362 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Deutschland Germany foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic 1880-1889 English available transcription under review -- o:id 1236 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner noreply@libnamic.com o:is_public true dcterms:title Carl Friedrich Memleb to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haase, May 13, 1871 Carl Friedrich Memleb an Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haase,13. Mai 1871 dcterms:creator 21365 dcterms:publisher Library of Virginia dcterms:date 1871-05-13 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:source Mary L. Geschwind Papers dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Trebnitz, Germany Trebnitz, Deutschland dcterms:rights Images of materials and some transcriptions and translations are provided by the Library of Virginia and used with permission. dcterms:audience 21364 21362 dcterms:isPartOf 13574 dcterms:spatial Germany Deutschland foaf:based_near Richmond, Virginia foaf:topic 1870-1879 -- o:id 1106 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner tissen@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title August Stockebrand to Bernard Rustemeyer, January 13, 1924 August Stockebrand an Bernard Rustemeyer, 13. Januar 1924 dcterms:creator 21125 dcterms:description Letter from August Stockebrand to Bernard Rustemeyer, January 13, 1924. Brief von August Stockebrand an Bernard Rustemeyer, 13. Januar 1924. dcterms:publisher State Historical Society of Missouri dcterms:date 1924-01-13 dcterms:type Brief letter dcterms:source Rustemeyer Family Papers dcterms:language Deutsch German dcterms:coverage Körbecke (Möhnesee), Nordrhein-Westfalen Körbecke (Möhnesee), North Rhine-Westphalia dcterms:audience 21123 dcterms:isPartOf 13572 dcterms:spatial Deutschland Germany foaf:topic 1920-1929 August Stockebrand letters English available -- o:id 619 o:resource_template News Item o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner samuel@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title New Video Shares Importance of “German Heritage in Letters” dcterms:description A new video produced by German Heritage in Letters project explores the importance of our work to find, collect, and share the historic correspondence sent and received by German immigrants in the United States. dcterms:relation 13574 dcterms:spatial Washington, D.C. dcterms:dateSubmitted 2019-04-09 -- o:id 176 o:resource_template Letter Template o:resource_class dctype:Text o:owner mueller@ghi-dc.org o:is_public true dcterms:title Marie Schmid to Alexander Heflin, January 4, 1897 Marie Schmid an Alexander Heflin, 4. Januar 1897 dcterms:creator 38 dcterms:description Letter from Marie Schmid to Alexander Heflin, January 4, 1897. Marie Schmid’s mother, Babette Tritschler, and Alexander Heflin’s mother, Charlotte von Höfeln, were sisters. Brief von Marie Schmid an Alexander Heflin, 4. Januar 1897. Marie Schmids Mutter, Babette Tritschler, und Alexander Heflins Mutter, Charlotte von Höfeln, waren Schwestern. dcterms:publisher Newberry Library dcterms:date 1897-01-04 dcterms:type letter Brief dcterms:source Höfeln Family Papers dcterms:language German deutsch dcterms:coverage Kirchheim unter Teck, Württemberg Kirchheim unter Teck, Württemberg dcterms:audience 76 dcterms:isPartOf 58 foaf:based_near Washington, Illinois --